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Writer's picture: Randy Nettles Randy Nettles

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

The first promises Abraham received from the LORD are given in Genesis 12. “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father's house, unto a land that I will show you: And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3).

Abraham and his descendants inherit the land of Canaan from the LORD in Genesis 13. “And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered. Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you” (Genesis 13:14-17). A very important keyword in these verses is “forever.” God gave the land to Abraham and his descendants forever.

The covenant God made with Abram is discussed in Genesis 15. The LORD told Abraham that his descendants wouldn’t acquire the land for several hundreds of years, for the iniquity of those dwelling in the land of Canaan wasn’t yet complete. “Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions” (Genesis 15:13-14). The four hundred years are thought to be the time Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his sons spent in Canaan and also the time the children of Israel spent in Egypt. “This affliction or persecution began with mocking, when Ishmael, the son of an Egyptian (Hagar) persecuted Isaac.” Benson Commentary Genesis 15:13. Isaac was approximately 5 years old at this time and Abraham was 105.

In Genesis 17, we find out which descendants of Abraham God was referring to. When Abram was 99 years old, God changed his name to Abraham (a father of many nations). God told Abraham that Sarah would conceive the following year and this child would inherit the land of Canaan and God’s blessings. “Then God said: Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him” (Genesis 17:19). Isaac inherited the land from Abraham, Jacob (Israel) inherited the land from Isaac, and the twelve sons of Jacob inherited the land from their father. The promised land of Canaan would later be renamed Israel.

During the Exodus from Egypt, God gave the Israelites the ten commandments and many statutes and ordinances. One such rule (actually a command) was the Sabbath of the seventh year, otherwise known as the Shemitah or Shmita year. “When you come into the land which I give you, then the land shall keep a sabbath to the Lord. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather its fruit; but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the Lord. You shall neither sow your field nor prune your vineyard” (Leviticus 25:1-4).

If the people did not obey God’s commandments (including observing the Sabbath year), God would scatter them among the nations, and their land would become desolate. God had warned them several times about the consequences of disobeying Him, including Leviticus 26. And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savor of your sweet odors. And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies’ land; then the land shall rest and enjoy its sabbaths. As long as it lies desolate it shall rest—for the time it did not rest on your sabbaths when you dwelt in it” (Leviticus 26:31-35).

This warning by God actually turns out to be a prophecy as Babylon invaded Judah and Jerusalem in 605 BC and carried away many of her inhabitants to serve Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were among those taken into exile at this time. This was the first of three invasions by Babylon into Judah and Jerusalem. This same year, 605 BC, is when Jeremiah prophesied a 70-year captivity as recorded in Jeremiah 25:9-11 and 2 Chronicles 36:17-21. The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple occurred in 586 BC.

Most scholars believe the 70 years of desolations as prophesied by Jeremiah began in 605 BC and ended in 536/535 BC when the 2nd Temple’s construction began. While Jeremiah was still prophesying in Jerusalem, Daniel was a prophet in Babylon. In 539 BC, realizing the 70 years were nearing completion, Daniel began to pray, asking God’s forgiveness for the sins of his people and pleading for the restoration of Jerusalem and Israel’s imminent return to their land. By praying fervently to God and asking for forgiveness of Israel’s corporate sins, Daniel was attempting to bring about the promise of restoration found in Leviticus 26:40-42.

Before Daniel could finish his prayer, the Angel Gabriel appeared and gave him the prophecy of the 70 “sevens” outlined in Daniel 9:24-27. Notice how Daniel’s prophecy is for 70 sevens (referring to Shemitah sevens) in contrast to Jeremiah’s prophecy of 70 actual years. Does it make you wonder why the LORD didn’t have Gabriel say 490 years instead of 70 sevens, or, on the other hand, why didn’t Jeremiah say 10 sevens instead of 70 years? After all, Daniel and Jeremiah were Jewish contemporaries of one another. There must be some reason for the different terminology used for these timelines.

Cyrus, the king of Persia, and his army defeated the Babylonians in the fall of 539 BC. He issued a decree in 538 BC allowing the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem and build a new Temple there. In 537 BC, 49 years after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the first wave of exiles returned to Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord (see Ezra 1:1-3). In 536/535 BC, 50 years after the destruction of the First Temple, construction began on the 2nd Temple. Although this is not a Jubilee year, I can imagine it felt like one to the returning exiles in Jerusalem. Due to opposition from neighboring nations, construction on the temple remained dormant for well over a decade until the Lord used Haggai and Zechariah to enable the Jews to complete the project in 516 BC.

Esther, a young Jewish woman became Queen of Persia in 479 BC by marrying King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) of Persia. In 474 BC, Xerxes allowed the Jews to defend themselves against the plot by Haman to have all Jews in the empire executed. The first Purim was celebrated in 473 BC.

King Artaxerxes issued a “decree” (the Hebrew word is “teem” meaning a command) for Ezra and some of the priests and those having authority over the newly built 2nd Jewish temple to return to Jerusalem in 458/457 BC. “I issue a decree that all those of the people of Israel and the priests and Levites in my realm, who volunteer to go up to Jerusalem, may go with you” (Ezra 7:13). They were to be in charge of Jewish affairs on behalf of the Persian government. Ezra’s main responsibility was to teach the law of God to the Jews of Jerusalem and to set up magistrates and judges to oversee the people.

In 445/444 BC, God granted Nehemiah favor with Artaxerxes, and the king appointed him governor of Jerusalem and sent him there to rebuild the wall and the city (Nehemiah 1,2). Letters were given to Nehemiah by King Artaxerxes for permission to return to Judah according to Nehemiah 2:7. I believe these official letters (or a document that followed) are the “decree” that was spoken of by Daniel the prophet. “Know therefore and understand, that from the issuing of the decree to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah, the Prince, there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. It will be rebuilt with streets and a wall, even in times of distress” (Daniel 9:25). The English word “decree” in this verse is translated from the Hebrew word “dabar,” which means “word, words, or a matter.” It is an entirely different word than the one used in Ezra 7:13-14.

Last year about this time, I wrote an article called “The Sabbath of the Seventh Year” in which I explained my reasoning for the timeline of 444 BC to 33 AD for the 69 years of Daniel 9:25. I also gave charts that explained which years were Shemitah years and where they belonged in the Jubilee cycles of 49/50 years. Although I still agree these are the correct years for this prophecy in Daniel, I need to revise a few things. My reckoning of Leviticus 19:23-25 was off by one year, so the positioning of the years in the charts will all move one spot to the right (more on this below). If you want to compare this revision to the original, you can go to The Sixty-Nine Shemitah Years of Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy (

As I wrote in my first article, I believe the first step to deciphering the 69 “weeks” is to replace the word “weeks” with “sevens” as the correct translation. In this Scripture, I believe “sevens” is referring to the seventh year of the Shemitah cycle. The next step is to realize that Daniel was not counting years (483 years) or days (173,880 days), or even weeks or cycles (69 cycles), but only the Shemitah years themselves. Shemitah cycles are counted as a total duration of years (not “sevens”) within the designated Shmita years, but only if they are located after the starting date and before the end date of Daniel’s prophecy. However, as we will discover, the prophecy in Daniel was only counting 69 Sabbath years and not 69 Sabbath cycles or weeks in Daniel 9:25. 483 years are never mentioned in Daniel 9:25 and I don’t believe a 360-day ‘prophetic’ calendar was ever used in calculating the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. For more information regarding this subject, go to Daniel's Last Seven (

There are three main theories regarding the length of the Jubilee cycle. The first theory is that the Jubilee consists of seven Sabbath weeks which equals 49 years, and then the following year would be the 50th year, otherwise known as the Jubilee. After the 50th year, the next 50-year cycle would start over again with year 1 of the new Shemitah cycle. This theory does not follow the pattern of the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot/Pentecost).

The second theory is that the 7th Sabbath year (the 49th year) is also the Jubilee (50th) year. I don’t know how this works exactly, but I will venture a guess. Since there are two New Year days in the Jewish calendar, one is the civil calendar which starts on Tishri 1 and the other one is the religious New Year on Nisan 1, maybe that is how they get two years out of one actual year. This theory doesn’t exactly follow the pattern of the Feast of Weeks as the Jubilee ends in the 49th year. With Shavuot, the 50th day (Sunday) always follows the seventh Sabbath (Saturday).

The third theory is that after the 7th Sabbath year (the 49th year), the Jubilee (50th) year begins, but it is also considered to be the 1st year of the new Shemitah cycle. So, within seven Shemitah cycles, there are only 49 years counted. The 50th year is the number 1 year on the next Shemitah cycle of 49 years. The third theory is the one I agree with, as it follows the pattern of the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot/Pentecost. This is the one that we base our Shemitah listings on below.

One of the most important factors in understanding the 69 sevens of Daniel’s prophecy is determining when the first Shemitah cycle began. There are many different opinions on this subject. Did the first Shemitah cycle start in 1406 BC when the children of Israel first entered the Promised Land? Many Jewish and Christian scholars from different eras believe the first Shemitah cycle didn’t start until five, or possibly seven, years later when the land rested from war for a brief period (Joshua 11:23). Others believe it didn’t start until even later when Joshua divided some of the lands to nine (and the half-tribe of Manasseh) tribes of Israel as mentioned in Joshua 13:8-14. I’ve even seen some reckonings of 15 years after the entrance of Israel into the Promised Land until the first Shemitah cycle began.

Another point of contention is whether the Shemitah cycles stopped when the Jews were deported from the land and then resumed once they were back in the land, or if the cycles were continuous regardless if the Jews were in the land or not. I believe in the latter reckoning, according to my understanding of Leviticus 26:34-35 and other Scripture. Once the children of Israel were in the Promised Land, the Sabbath of the seventh year was set in stone, so to speak. Of course, that doesn’t mean the Jewish people obeyed this commandment from the Lord.

I believe the answer to when the first Shemitah cycle (and thus the first Shemitah year) occurred is found in a little-known passage in Leviticus 19. “When you come into the land and have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count their fruit as uncircumcised. Three years it shall be as uncircumcised to you. It shall not be eaten. But in the fourth year, all its fruit shall be holy, a praise to the Lord. And in the fifth year, you may eat its fruit, that it may yield to you its increase: I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 19:23-25). In the fourth year, all crops were considered “circumcised” which was a sign of the covenant between the Lord and Israel. Thus the crops were considered “holy,” and that was when the first Shemitah cycle began (IMHO).

The children of Israel crossed the Jordan River and entered the Promised Land on Nisan 10, 1406 BC. I (now) believe the first year of the first Shemitah cycle began in the fourth full year of Israel’s entrance to the land of Canaan. The first three-and-a-half years of Nisan 1406-Tishri 1406, Tishri 1406-Tishri 1405, Tishri 1405-Tishri 1404, and Tishri 1404-Tishri 1403, were spent fighting the inhabitants of Canaan, so there wasn’t any sowing and reaping of their own crops. These three-and-a-half years are not included in the first Shemitah and Jubilee cycles. They are considered pre-Shemitah cycle years. From Tishri 1406 BC to the end of the first Shemitah year 1397-1396 BC is 10 years. The number 10 represents ordinal perfection in the Bible., as we will see in the listings below.

After a brief respite from fighting, the Hebrews started planting in the fourth full year, in 1403-1402 BC. Therefore, the first Shemitah year of rest for the land (no sowing or reaping) would have been in 1397-1396 BC. The seventh Shemitah (49th) year would have been in 1355-1354 BC. The first Jubilee would have been the following year in 1354-1353 BC. The 1st year of the next Shemitah cycle is also 1354-1353 BC. The jubilee year is always after the 7th Shemitah year for that particular Jubilee cycle of 49 years. It is the 50th year but is also the 1st year of the new Shemitah cycle.

In this scope of work, we will mainly concentrate on the Shemitah years and not the Jubilee years, as Daniel 9:24-27 never mentions Jubilees, only “sevens” (Sabbath/Shemitah years). Every seventh year is supposed to be a Shemitah year, starting with the first one in 1397-1396 BC. In this article, we will count the Shemitah years (sevens) from 1397-1396 BC to our present age and beyond.

Regarding the listings below, I show the first two Jubilee cycles initially. Each one consists of 7 cycles (or weeks) of 7 years each, for a total of 49 years. I have numbered the cycles 1-14. After this, for the sake of brevity and space, I only list every 7th-year Shemitah year (21, 28, 35, 42, 49…) until I come to the 134th cycle in which I again record every cycle and Shemitah year. This is done so the 69 sevens of Daniels’s prophecy (Daniel 9:24,25) can be recorded in a complete manner, showing the starting and end dates and everything in between. All Shemitah years are highlighted.

The start of Daniel’s prophecy (IMO) begins on the 137th Shemitah cycle on the Shemitah year (the 7th year of that cycle) of 445-444 BC (it has a * symbol beside it). The end of Daniel’s prophecy of 69 sevens is the Shemitah year of 32-33 AD. (it also has a * symbol beside it). There are 69 Shemitah years or “sevens” between and including these years. Daniel only mentions 69 and 70 “sevens.” He never mentions 483 or 490 years. If you are not a fan of these years, then you will be able to locate your preferred dates within the listings of sevens below.

I continue with the full cycles until the 210th Shemitah year of 67-68 AD. By the way, the next year of 68-69 should have been the 30th Jubilee. This comes at the time of the Jewish-Roman war that lasted off and on from 66-73 AD. I start condensing again (by every seven Shemitah years) on the 217th Shemitah year (116-117 AD). I continue in this manner until the 483rd Shemitah year (1987-1988 AD). I expand again starting on the 484th Shemitah cycle. The 484th Shemitah year is 1985-1986 AD. The 485th Shemitah year is 1992-1993 AD. The 486th Shemitah year is 1999-2000 AD. The 487th Shemitah year is 2006-2007 AD. The 488th Shemitah year is 2013-2014 AD. The 489th Shemitah year is 2020-2021. The 490th Shemitah year will be in 2027-2028 AD. That means the 70th Jubilee should occur in 2028-2029 according to my reckoning.

It’s fascinating to me that the Jewish people are back in the land that God gave them and are now (2023 AD) in the second year of the 490th Shemitah cycle since originally entering the land in 1406 BC. Whether or not the Jewish people have kept these Shemitah years isn’t the issue. Just as God promised a long time ago, the land will keep its Sabbath rests, regardless. On Nisan 10, 2025 AD, it will have been 3430 years since the children of Israel first entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC. You could break it down into 7 periods of 490 years each (7 x 490 years = 3430 years).

In the Shemitah year 2027-2028 AD, it will have been 3430 years since the first Shemitah cycle began in 1403-1402 BC. That’s the equivalent of 490 Shemitah cycles (490 Shemitah cycles x 7 years per cycle = 3430 years). Within these 490 cycles, there are 490 Shemitah years. Another way to look at it is: there are 70 Jubilee cycles (49 years per cycle) within this time frame. 70 Jubilees x 49 years = 3430 years. The actual 70th Jubilee year would be the following year, 2028-2029.

Wouldn’t it be just like God that the long-delayed 70th seven of Daniel 9:24-27 will begin within the 490th Shemitah cycle or possibly at the start of the 491st Shemitah cycle? I believe if Daniel’s 70th seven started in the midst of the 490th cycle, for (a hypothetical) example in the fall of 2026, then that 490th cycle would continue uninterrupted. 2026-2027 would be the sixth year of the 490th Shemitah cycle. 2027-2028 would be the seventh year and thus the Shemitah year of the 490th cycle. 2028-2029 would be the first year of the 491st cycle, 2029-2030 would be the second year, 2030-2031 would be the third year, 2031-2032 would be the fourth year, 2032-2033 would be the fifth year, and the 2nd Coming of Jesus to the earth would occur in the fall of 2033. In this hypothetical scenario, the Millennium would begin before the start of 2034 and the 491st Shemitah year.

Wow! God sure loves His perfect numbers 7 (spiritual perfection) and 10 (ordinal perfection) and their multiples, 70, 49, 490, and 3430, doesn’t He? Here is some more information on these numbers in Scripture: God’s Perfect Number: Part 2 :: By Randy Nettles :: Rapture Ready and Seven – God’s Perfect Number and its Biblical Significance (


1) 1403-1402 1402-1401 1401-1400 1400-1399 1399-1398 1398-1397 1397-1396

2) 1396-1395 1395-1394 1394-1393 1393-1392 1392-1391 1391-1390 1390-1389

3) 1389-1388 1388-1387 1387-1386 1386-1385 1385-1384 1384-1383 1383-1382

4) 1382-1381 1381-1380 1380-1379 1379-1378 1378-1377 1377-1376 1376-1375

5) 1375-1374 1374-1373 1373-1372 1372-1371 1371-1370 1370-1369 1369-1368

6) 1368-1367 1367-1366 1366-1365 1365-1364 1364-1363 1363-1362 1362-1361

7) 1361-1360 1360-1359 1359-1358 1358-1357 1357-1356 1356-1355 1355-1354

1st Jubilee year (50th and 1st year of next Shemitah cycle) - 1354-1353 BC

8) 1354-1353 1353-1352 1352-1351 1351-1350 1350-1349 1349-1348 1348-1347

9) 1347-1346 1346-1345 1345-1344 1344-1343 1343-1342 1342-1341 1341-1340

10) 1340-1339 1339-1338 1338-1337 1337-1336 1336-1335 1335-1334 1334-1333

11) 1333-1332 1332-1331 1331-1330 1330-1329 1329-1328 1328-1327 1327-1326

12) 1326-1325 1325-1324 1324-1323 1323-1322 1322-1321 1321-1320 1320-1319

13) 1319-1318 1318-1317 1317-1316 1316-1315 1315-1314 1314-1313 1313-1312

14) 1312-1311 1311-1310 1310-1309 1309-1308 1308-1307 1307-1306 1306-1305

2nd Jubilee year (50th and 1st year of next Shemitah cycle) – 1305-1304 BC


21st Shemitah year - 1257-1256 BC

28th Shemitah year - 1208-1207 BC

35th Shemitah year - 1159-1158 BC

42nd Shemitah year - 1110-1109 BC

49th Shemitah year - 1061-1060 BC

56th Shemitah year - 1012-1011 BC

63rd Shemitah year - 963-962 BC

70th Shemitah year - 914-913 BC

77th Shemitah year - 865-864 BC

84th Shemitah year - 816-815 BC

91st Shemitah year - 767-766 BC

98th Shemitah year - 718-717 BC

105th Shemitah year- 668-667 BC

112th Shemitah year- 620-619 BC

119th Shemitah year- 571-570 BC

126th Shemitah year- 522-521 BC

133rd Shemitah year- 473-472 BC


134) 472-471 471-470 470-469 469-468 468-467 467-466 466-465

135) 465-464 464-463 463-462 462-461 461-460 460-459 459-458

136) 458-457 457-456 456-455 455-454 454-453 453-452 452-451

137) 451-450 450-449 449-448 448-447 447-446 446-445 445-444 *

138) 444-443 443-442 442-441 441-440 440-439 439-438 438-437

139) 437-436 436-435 435-434 434-433 433-432 432-431 431-430

140) 430-429 429-428 428-427 427-426 426-425 425-424 424-423

141) 423-422 422-421 421-420 420-419 419-418 418-417 417-416

142) 416-415 415-414 414-413 413-412 412-411 411-410 410-409

143) 409-408 408-407 407-406 406-405 405-404 404-403 403-402

144) 402-401 401-400 400-399 439-398 438-397 437-396 436-395

145) 395-394 394-393 393-392 392-391 391-390 390-389 389-388

146) 388-387 387-386 386-385 385-384 384-383 383-382 382-381

147) 381-380 380-379 379-378 378-377 377-376 376-375 375-374

148) 374-373 373-372 372-371 371-370 370-369 369-368 368-367

149) 367-366 366-365 365-364 364-363 363-362 362-361 361-360

150) 360-359 359-358 358-357 357-356 356-355 355-354 354-353

151) 353-352 352-351 351-350 350-349 349-348 348-347 347-346

152) 346-345 345-344 344-343 343-342 342-341 341-340 340-339

153) 339-338 338-337 337-336 336-335 335-334 334-333 333-332

154) 332-331 331-330 330-329 329-328 328-327 327-326 326-325

155) 325-324 324-323 323-322 322-321 321-320 320-319 319-318

156) 318-317 317-316 316-315 315-314 314-313 313-312 312-311

157) 311-310 310-309 309-308 308-307 307-306 306-305 305-304

158) 304-303 303-302 302-301 301-300 300-299 299-298 298-297

159) 297-296 296-295 295-294 294-293 293-292 292-291 291-290

160) 290-289 289-288 288-287 287-286 286-285 285-284 284-283

161) 283-282 282-281 281-280 280-279 279-278 278-277 277-276

162) 276-275 275-274 274-273 273-272 272-271 271-270 270-269

163) 269-268 268-267 267-266 266-265 265-264 264-263 263-262

164) 262-261 261-260 260-259 259-258 258-257 257-256 256-255

165) 255-254 254-253 253-252 252-251 251-250 250-249 249-248

166) 248-247 247-246 246-245 245-244 244-243 243-242 242-241

167) 241-240 240-239 239-238 238-237 237-236 236-235 235-234

168) 234-233 233-232 232-231 231-230 230-229 229-228 228-227

169) 227-226 226-225 225-224 224-223 223-222 222-221 221-220

170) 220-219 219-218 218-217 217-216 216-215 215-214 214-213

171) 213-212 212-211 211-210 210-209 209-208 208-207 207-206

172) 206-205 205-204 204-203 203-202 202-201 201-200 200-199

173) 199-198 198-197 197-196 196-195 195-194 194-193 193-192

174) 192-191 191-190 190-189 189-188 188-187 187-186 186-185

175) 185-184 184-183 183-182 182-181 181-180 180-179 179-178

176) 178-177 177-176 176-175 175-174 174-173 173-172 172-171

177) 171-170 170-169 169-168 168-167 167-166 166-165 165-164

178) 164-163 163-162 162-161 161-160 160-159 159-158 158-157

179) 157-156 156-155 155-154 154-153 153-152 152-151 151-150

180) 150-149 149-148 148-147 147-146 146-145 145-144 144-143

181) 143-142 142-141 141-140 140-139 139-138 138-137 137-136

182) 136-135 135-134 134-133 133-132 132-131 131-130 130-129

183) 129-128 128-127 127-126 126-125 125-124 124-123 123-122

184) 122-121 121-120 120-119 119-118 118-117 117-116 116-115

185) 115-114 114-113 113-112 112-111 111-110 110-109 109-108

186) 108-107 107-106 106-105 105-104 104-103 103-102 102-101

187) 101-100 100-99 99-98 98-97 97-96 96-95 95-94

188) 94-93 93-92 92-91 91-90 90-89 89-88 88-87

189) 87-86 86-85 85-84 84-83 83-82 82-81 81-80

190) 80-79 79-78 78-77 77-76 76-75 75-74 74-73

191) 73-72 72-71 71-70 70-69 69-68 68-67 67-66

192) 66-65 65-64 64-63 63-62 62-61 61-60 60-59

193) 59-58 58-57 57-56 56-55 55-54 54-53 53-52

194) 52-51 51-50 50-49 49-48 48-47 47-46 46-45

195) 45-44 44-43 43-42 42-41 41-40 40-39 39-38

196) 38-37 37-36 36-35 35-34 34-33 33-32 32-31

197) 31-30 30-29 29-28 28-27 27-26 26-25 25-24

198) 24-23 23-22 22-21 21-20 20-19 19-18 18-17

199) 17-16 16-15 15-14 14-13 13-12 12-11 11-10

200) 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-6 6-5 5-4 4-3

201) 3-2 2-1 1BC-1AD 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5

202) 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12

203) 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19

204) 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26

205) 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 *

206) 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40

207) 40-41 41-42 42-43 43-44 44-45 45-46 46-47

208) 47-48 48-49 49-50 50-51 51-52 52-53 53-54

209) 54-55 55-56 56-57 57-58 58-59 59-60 60-61

210) 61-62 62-63 63-64 64-65 65-66 66-67 67-68


217th Shemitah year – 116-117 AD

224th Shemitah year – 165-166 AD

231st Shemitah year – 214-215 AD

238th Shemitah year – 263-264 AD

245th Shemitah year – 312-313 AD

252nd Shemitah year – 361-362 AD

259th Shemitah year – 410-411 AD

266th Shemitah year – 459-460 AD

273rd Shemitah year – 508-509 AD

280th Shemitah year – 557-558 AD

287th Shemitah year – 606-607 AD

294th Shemitah year – 655-656 AD

301st Shemitah year – 704-705 AD

308th Shemitah year – 753-754 AD

315th Shemitah year – 802-803 AD

322nd Shemitah year – 851-852 AD

329th Shemitah year – 900-901 AD

336th Shemitah year – 949-950 AD

343rd Shemitah year – 998-999 AD

350th Shemitah year – 1047-1048 AD

357th Shemitah year – 1096-1097 AD

364th Shemitah year – 1145-1146 AD

371st Shemitah year – 1194-1195 AD

378th Shemitah year – 1243-1244 AD

385th Shemitah year – 1292-1293 AD

392nd Shemitah year – 1341-1342 AD

399th Shemitah year – 1390-1391 AD

406th Shemitah year – 1439-1440 AD

413th Shemitah year – 1488-1489 AD

420th Shemitah year – 1537-1538 AD

427th Shemitah year – 1586-1587 AD

434th Shemitah year – 1635-1636 AD

441st Shemitah year – 1684-1685 AD

448th Shemitah year – 1733-1734 AD

455th Shemitah year – 1782-1783 AD

462nd Shemitah year – 1831-1832 AD

469th Shemitah year – 1880-1881 AD

476th Shemitah year – 1929-1930 AD

483rd Shemitah year – 1978-1979 AD

484th- 490th SHEMITAH CYCLES

484) 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986

485) 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993

486) 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000

487) 2000-2001 2001 -2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

488) 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

489) 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

490) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028


491) 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 2032-2033 2033-2034 2034-2035

492) 2035-2036 2036-2037 2037-2038 2038-2039 2039-2040 2040 -2041 2041-2041

As I wrote about in The End of the Age – From Firstfruits to Hanukkah: Part II (, the first-century year 33 AD (Jesus’ crucifixion) aligns with the twenty-first century year of 2028 AD in that they are both in the 13th non-embolismic year of their respective 19-year Metonic cycles. The 33 AD year is a Shemitah year (and the end of Daniel’s 69th seven) and is the 205th Shemitah cycle/year. 2028 is also a Shemitah year and is the 490th Shemitah cycle/year. That is 285 Shemitah cycles & years between them or 1995 years (285 cycles x 7 years = 1995 years). 1995 years divided by 19 (the 19-year Metonic cycle) = 105 Metonic cycles. What does all this mean? I’m not sure, except I believe we are in the season of the Lord’s return.

Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Randy Nettles

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Jun 15, 2023

Dear brother Randy,

Thank you for your detailed article! I will share it with friends who study prophecy. I have a question about Daniel 9: 25 and 26. I'm still confused about the 62 weeks part of verse 26. It seems like Messiah should've been cut off at the end of the 69th week. Help! Thanks, Jenny

Jun 23, 2023
Replying to

Thank you Randy for addressing my question. Yes, that verse 26 is just bugging me!! I have to let it go. Blessings!!


Rob C
Rob C
Jun 10, 2023

Thank you Randy. Times and seasons and typology seem to point to the mid-2020s or soon after for the start of the Trib and we know the Rapture has to precede that. So much of it lines up it causes one to conclude it cannot all be coincidence... that there is a divine hand guiding it all and a divine clock that is running out... If you figure in a gap between the Rapture and the start of the Trib, and so many scholars agree there is a gap of some length of time, then the Rapture is even closer. It all points to that we are "in the season" of the Lord's return. In fact, to me, it seems…


Lonniejam Meade
Lonniejam Meade
Jun 07, 2023

Thanks again for your encouragement through your sound careful examination of biblical history!!


Eileen Moody
Eileen Moody
Jun 06, 2023

Thank you for making sense of what I could have never done. But it does give light to me in understanding why the evil one is set on ramping up his game in the 2020's. And the 2030 emphasis for their nwo. God bless, WWG


Jun 06, 2023

Randy, I didn’t even notice that your name as author was missing. When I saw the title, I knew immediately this was another Randy Nettles masterpiece! And given the title, I knew this would be a special work.

All the thoroughly researched pieces fit together logically for me, even though the math sizzles my brain neurons, and you really lost me with the embolismic and Metonic talk!🤣 I sure hope you’re right, because your theory moves the start of the Tribulation up several years from what I had been considering.

Yes, it all just makes sense, especially knowing that the beauty of a Jubilee at this time is the earth returning to Almighty God’s full ownership, and us, His beloved…

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