Bible prophecy information
Randy Nettles is a frequent contributor of articles to the and Rapture Ready websites and has done so since 2012. He was one of fifteen authors who contributed to Terry James’ book “Lawless: End-Times War Against The Spirit Of Antichrist.” Most of his articles deal with eschatology and prophecy Scripture in regard to the Church and Israel. Randy’s area of expertise includes the Feasts of the Lord, Daniel’s 70th Week (Jacob’s Trouble, Day of the Lord, Tribulation), and the biblical chronology of mankind. He is sometimes referred to as “the numbers guy” for his writing on numbers in Scripture and their biblical significance. Randy worked in the electrical industry for forty-six years until his recent retirement. He lives in Texas, with his wife of thirty-four years, and has two grown Christian children. Randy welcomes any correspondence or inquiry regarding his articles. You can reach him at
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Randy Nettles
Managed Writer