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Forum Posts

Dec 10, 2022
In General Discussion
Hi Pete and the rev310 family, This is Shawn in AZ, I’m more of a reader and almost never a poster on forums, (I’m so old school!) But my mom told me about this and I’m blown away. Have you heard of this? An “After Rapture Pet Care Service” for believers to sign up their pets to have non-believer volunteers come and take their pets and care for them after the rapture happens. They actually have a network of atheist or agnostic volunteers who are pet lovers, who have signed up to care for our pets, “if” the rapture happens (in the atheist’s viewpoints) and “when” the rapture happens, in the believer’s viewpoints. They compare it to the volunteers who help pets after hurricanes. I’d put the link here for the site but I’m not sure this forum allows site links. But look it up : after the rapture pet care (dot com) What stuns me is that the service does not try to save the lost. They look to use the lost. (That’s my opinion.). At first it seemed like a money grab scheme, but then when I read into it more, since it was completely free for a long time and now the fee is only a one-time $10 just to keep their database clear of “fake memberships from non-believers clutter.” I won’t register, as I doubt the volunteers will be too concerned about other people’s pets when the severity of the after-Rapture world really hits, regardless of how much they love animals now. But I found it interesting, especially to those of us who are worried for our pets welfare after we’re gone. As for myself, I have 2 cats. I’ve always had them on an automatic feeder/waterer (gravity fed, NOT electric), that holds enough food and water for over a week for the 2 of them and I make sure it’s always clean and topped off, in preparation for our leaving. And I’ve vowed after these 2 are gone to not get any more pets, as much as I love kitties, it’s just not worth it to me anymore personally because of the worry I feel for them. I never used to worry much compared to now as I feel the day is so much closer. I’m sure someone will have broken into my home within a week of us being gone. That’s my hope, anyway. Obviously I can’t count on someone taking care of my 2 cats, but my hope and prayer is that somehow my 2 kitties will be okay. I can pray for them, and most of all, I pray for whoever comes into my home, that they will find the left behind instructions I’ve got in a notebook prominently displayed on our coffee table, and pantry and etc. Like Pete’s Rules for the Remnant, and extra Bibles, along with the food and OTC medicines etc. Lisa Heaton has some great tips and helps on this, as she’s been a great encouragement to those of us who care about the future trib-saints, our future brothers and sisters in Christ. Well I’m curious what you all think of this pet care thing. Am I off my rocker to be stunned by the disregard of these volunteers souls? The website even states that they’re not trying to convert these folks.


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