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Writer's picturePete Garcia

The Great Resets

The Tartaria and Mud Flood theory is a modern conspiracy narrative that claims a global cataclysm in the 1800s buried an advanced civilization called Tartaria under meters of mud, leading to a worldwide societal "reset." Proponents of this argue that Tartaria, which allegedly spanned much of Eurasia (or modern-day Eastern Europe and Russia), possessed advanced technologies like free wireless energy and was inhabited in places by giants (due to the enormously constructed architecture). Mudflood evidence includes buildings with partially buried ground floors, ornate yet out-of-place 19th-century architecture, old maps labeling Central Asia as "Tartary," and historical photos of excavation work. This theory gained traction on YouTube and social media in 2016, drawing a growing audience captivated by its alternative view of history and claims of a global cover-up.

I mean, who doesn’t love alternative history?

However, and I mean that sincerely (because I love a good conspiracy theory just as much as the next guy), the theory falls apart under even the most minimal scrutiny. Urban regrading and stratification, sedimentation, and historical construction practices explain buried structures, while "Tartary" was merely a geographic label for poorly understood regions. There is no geological evidence of a global mud flood, nor credible proof of Tartaria’s existence or advanced technology. The narrative relies on misinterpretations of architecture, photos, and maps, with no support from legitimate historical or scientific sources. Popularized through selective imagery and internet echo chambers, the Tartaria theory reflects distrust in mainstream institutions more than a plausible alternative history.

That said, here are the top ten reasons why people believe the Tartaria/Mudflood Theories are true:

  1. Unusual Architecture

    • Ornate, grandiose buildings (e.g., 19th-century structures) appear out of place for their supposed time periods, with some theorists arguing they required advanced technology or knowledge.

  2. Buried Structures

    • Evidence of buildings with windows and doors below ground level suggests a catastrophic event buried parts of cities.

  3. Historical Maps

    • Old maps label regions in Central Asia and beyond as "Tartary," sparking questions about why this term disappeared from modern history.

  4. Star Forts

    • Intricately designed star-shaped fortifications found worldwide are cited as evidence of a unified global culture or shared advanced knowledge.

  5. Rapid Industrial Advancements

    • The sudden explosion of technological progress in the 19th century is viewed as suspicious and potentially linked to rediscovered knowledge.

  6. Erased History

    • Theories suggest deliberate suppression or alteration of historical records, pointing to inconsistencies in timelines and missing details in mainstream accounts.

  7. Photographic Anomalies

    • Early photographs of empty cities, like post-Civil War America, are interpreted as evidence of repopulation after a global reset.

  8. Cultural Parallels

    • Similarities in architecture, symbolism, and engineering across different civilizations suggest a potential shared heritage.

  9. Orphan Trains and Repopulation Theories

    • The movement of large numbers of orphans in the 19th century is interpreted as an effort to repopulate areas affected by a global reset.

  10. Official Denials

    • Hardcore Tartaria/Mudflood skeptics point to the dismissive attitudes from historians and academics as potential evidence of a cover-up or unwillingness to explore alternative narratives. To be fair, these “historians” and “academics” have also been known to cover up or become dismissive over many other things such as Nephilim, megalithic structures, UFOs, etc.

So now, here are the top ten reasons why people believe the Tartaria/Mudflood Theories are not true:

  1. Lack of Credible Evidence

    • There is no concrete archaeological, geological, or historical evidence of a mudflood event or advanced global Tartarian empire.

  2. Misinterpretation of Architecture

    • "Out-of-place" architecture can be explained by known historical styles, such as Gothic, Baroque, or Neoclassical, and does not imply advanced technology.

  3. Tartary Misrepresentation

    • Historical "Tartary" referred to a vague geographic region populated by nomadic tribes, not a unified or advanced civilization.

  4. Buried Structures Explained

    • Subterranean levels of buildings are common in cities due to changes in street levels from the gradual accumulation of debris or intentional urban planning.

  5. No Geological Evidence of Mudfloods

    • There is no scientific support for a global mudflood event in recent history, as geological processes are well-documented.

  6. Star Forts Are Well Understood

    • Star forts are a well-known historical military design from the Renaissance, developed independently by various cultures for defensive purposes.

  7. Maps Reflect Historical Understanding

    • Old maps labeling "Tartary" reflect the limited knowledge of European cartographers, not evidence of a suppressed empire.

  8. Technological Progress Is Documented

    • The Industrial Revolution and advancements of the 19th century are well-documented, with no need to invoke rediscovered ancient knowledge.

  9. Historical Continuity

    • Mainstream history provides a consistent and evidence-based timeline of events, leaving little room for "phantom civilizations."

  10. Occam's Razor

    • Simpler explanations (e.g., urban planning, cultural diffusion) adequately explain the supposed anomalies without invoking a grand conspiracy or hidden empire.

Other Popular (Non-biblical) Theories

Aside from Tartaria and the Mudflood theories, there are several others that have also resurfaced on social media, popularizing the ongoing belief that history is not what we thought it was. And to be fair, there are numerous historical anomalies and enigmas that modern civilization has yet to figure out, further adding confusion to our general understanding. For example:

  1. The Mystery of Atlantis and Ancient Advanced Civilizations

    • Claims that highly advanced civilizations like Atlantis existed before recorded history, possessing superior technology and knowledge.

    • Evidence cited includes underwater ruins, ancient maps, and myths from diverse cultures.

    • Implications: Challenges the timeline of human development and suggests lost knowledge that could alter our understanding of history.

  2. The Great Library of Alexandria and the Loss of Knowledge

    • Conspiracy that the Library of Alexandria's destruction was intentional to suppress revolutionary knowledge, such as ancient sciences, technologies, and philosophical ideas.

    • Claims that powerful entities at the time sought to maintain control over the dissemination of knowledge.

    • Implications: Suggests history might have advanced faster had this knowledge been preserved.

  3. The Chronology Revision Hypothesis (e.g., Fomenko’s New Chronology)

    • Claims that much of accepted history, particularly in the Middle Ages, has been fabricated or misdated, creating "phantom" centuries.

    • Evidence cited includes inconsistencies in historical documents, astronomical alignments, and architectural anachronisms.

    • Implications: Calls into question the reliability of recorded history and our understanding of historical timelines.

  4. The Hollow Earth Theory

    • The Hollow Earth theory suggests Earth is hollow with advanced civilizations or ecosystems inside, accessible through openings at the poles.

    • This concept is rooted in ancient myths, early scientific hypotheses, and popular fiction, but lacks scientific validation or evidence.

    • Despite being debunked by modern science, the theory persists in fringe theories and conspiracy circles, often linked to mystical or occult beliefs.

  5. The Younger Dryas Theory

    • The Younger Dryas theory proposes that around 12,800 years ago, a sudden and extreme global cooling event occurred, interrupting the Earth's warming after the last Ice Age.

    • The event is believed to have been triggered by a comet impact or other cosmic events, which caused widespread climate disruption, megafauna extinctions, and human population decline.

    • Evidence supporting the theory includes changes in ice core data, geological layers, and carbon isotopes, though it remains debated among scientists, with some proposing alternative explanations like the Noahic flood, volcanic activity, or ocean currents.

  6. The Flat Earth Theory

    • The Flat Earth theory claims that the Earth is not a sphere but instead flat, often depicted as a disc, with a dome-like firmament structure overhead.

    • Proponents argue that evidence from everyday observation, such as the lack of visible curvature, supports the theory while rejecting established scientific evidence from astronomy, physics, and geology.

    • Despite overwhelming scientific consensus supporting a spherical Earth (and the fact that all other planets are spherical), the theory persists in some fringe communities, often linked to conspiracy ideologies and distrust in mainstream science.

Historical "Lesser Resets"

There are numerous, lesser (or localized) major turning points in human civilization, often with widespread cultural, political, or spiritual consequences:

  1. The Rise of Empires

    • Sumer and Mesopotamia (3000 BC): The first cities and writing systems.

    • The Egyptian Kingdoms: Early advances in governance, religion, and architecture.

    • The Indus Valley and China (2000-1000 BC): Development of distinct civilizations.

  2. The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Hellenization (336-323 BC/ 700 AD)

    • Hellenistic culture spreads, influencing the Mediterranean and Near East long after Alexander’s death until the rise of Islam.

  3. The Roman Empire (31 BC- 426 AD)

    • The transition from Republic to Empire (31 BCE) and the Pax Romana, fundamentally reshaped Europe and the Mediterranean.

  4. The Spread of Christianity (1st-4th Century AD)

    • From persecution to becoming the Roman Empire's official religion under Constantine.

  5. The Fall of Rome (476 AD)

    • Transition to the Middle Ages, with feudalism and the rise of the Church's authority.

  6. The Rise of Islam (7th Century AD)

    • A new religious, cultural, and political force reshapes the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond.

  7. The Mongol Conquests (13th-14th Century AD)

    • A vast empire creates new trade routes and cross-cultural exchanges.

  8. The Renaissance (14th-17th Century AD)

    • A cultural and intellectual rebirth in Europe, driven by the rediscovery of classical texts.

  9. The Age of Exploration (15th-17th Century AD)

    • European global expansion resets trade, politics, and the spread of Christianity.

  10. The Protestant Reformation (16th Century AD)

    • A reset in Christianity led to the formation of Protestant denominations.

  11. The Industrial Revolution (18th-19th Century AD)

    • A technological and economic reset transforming society worldwide.

  12. World Wars I and II (20th Century AD)

    • Global conflicts that reshaped nations, ideologies, and geopolitics.

  13. The Information Age (20th-21st Century AD)

    • A digital reset revolutionizing communication, knowledge, and society.

Biblical "Greater Resets"

So, before everyone dogpiles on me for poo-pooing their favorite pet theories, let me just say that I absolutely believe in “alternative histories”. What I mean to say is, when you think about it, we’ve all been living in an alternative reality all our lives. This fallen world, the only world we know, was not what was originally intended. God had intended for Adam and Eve, and their descendants to obey the simple command of avoiding the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” in the middle of the Garden of Eden.

Yet, God also knew that in giving mankind free will, mankind would eventually violate that commandment thus necessitating the need for a future Savior. Yet, the real tragedy is that because 99% of human history has existed under the banner of sin and death, people just implicitly accept that this is the way it’s supposed to be. This means that the acceptance of sin, corruption, decay, and death as foundational parts of our reality, requires the acceptance of the proposition for the inherently flawed design argument. In fact, it has become so normalized that an all-holy and infinite Creator God no longer has any place in it.

Ultimately, we know that God is going to ‘reset’ our present reality and re-introduce the heavenly reality that He always intended. This means a reality free of evil; an innocent creation dwelling in perfect harmony with its Creator. That being said, there have been at least four great civilizational resets in biblical history, and three great civilizational resets forthcoming in the future.

  • The Fall (Genesis 3) [Resets man’s condition]

    • Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden, introduced sin and death to the human race thus necessitating the need for a Savior.

  • The Flood (Genesis 6-9) [Resets humanity]

    • By the time of Noah’s Flood, humanity had progressed 1,656 years and had become so corrupt, violent, and wicked, that God had no choice but to reset humanity and start again with Noah and his family.

  • The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) [Resets civilization]

    • Within two hundred years of the Noahic Flood, mankind had congregated on the plains of Shinar (instead of filling the earth). They are led by an ‘antichrist’ prototype by the name of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis. They began overseeing the building of a great tower to the heavens. In response, God scatters humanity by confusing their languages, leading to the spread of the seventy nations.

  • The Call of Abraham (Genesis 12-15) [Restores Pathway to Salvation]

    • A Gentile (Abram) is called out of Ur of the Chaldees to become the father of what would become the Jewish people. It is through Abraham, that the biblical patriarchs would come (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes) and ultimately, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, God initiates a plan of redemption through this man Abraham, and his descendants.

The above fundamentally changed how we live on the earth. In addition, these events happened so far back in time, that they precede any other major civilization thus making it increasingly difficult to pinpoint the first “post-Babel” civilization since they would all eventually come to believe they were the first. The following are also monumental and have fundamentally provided mankind with an offramp from the broad path of destruction.

The First Advent of Christ (The Gospels)

  • The prophesied incarnation of Christ marks the ultimate turning point in redemptive history.

  • The prophesied crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. This provides a cosmic reset.

  • Sin and death are defeated.

  • New eternal life is offered.

  • Promised of return to restore creation.

  • The creation and spread of the Church (Acts 2-Rev 4:1-2)

The Rapture (John 14:1-3, 1 Thess 4:13-5:9, 1 Cor 15:50-56, Rev 3:10)

  • The natural culmination of the dispensation of the Church, the Holy Spirit’s role as the Restrainer (via the Church) is removed from the earth.

  • With the Church (the body of believers) removed from the earth, the present world order will be turned on its head, forcing a massive geopolitical realignment.

The Second Advent (Coming) (Zech. 12, 14, Matt. 24:29-31, Revelation 19-20)

  • The ultimate reset: Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords to judge, restore, and establish His eternal reign.

  • The Millennial Messianic Kingdom initiates the eternal reign (Isa 2, 11, Rev 20)

  • The New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22)


Finally, brothers and sisters, let us close with these sobering yet encouraging words from the Apostle Peter (2 Peter 3:10-17).

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.


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“This fallen world, the only world we know, was not what was originally intended.”

If things were not going the way God intended, would that be a flaw? I believe that God intended for us to know “good and evil.” Of course God anticipated the problems that would follow and the high cost. Can we associate the value with the cost? Since God covered the cost we should count it as a gift to be esteemed.



 I am fascinated by all the stories about the World Mud flood theory. I read articles and watched many videos on the subject. You burst my bubble 😄 Maybe one day we’ll know the truth.

Regarding our Earth, I don’t buy Nasa’s explanation of our Earth and the universe. It doesn’t make sense to me. The government lies about so many things. I rather believe the Bible’s story just as it’s described in Genesis 1:1-17. God did not create planets but lights that he placed in the firmament. The Earth is His footstool and looks like a seal (Job 38-14). Hopefully, soon we will see and know the truth.

Thanks for the great article! I enjoyed the subject and all…

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