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The Global Dismantling 

Writer's picture: John BellamJohn Bellam

“Thus he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.”- Daniel 7:23

An intentional sabotage of the systems of the world's nation-states is in full swing. Piece by piece, inch by inch, the mechanisms that have worked for decades, and centuries in some cases, to make our world functional both regionally and internationally, are being destroyed. From borders to production, shipping to trade, economic profitability to investments, all are being torn asunder as all semblance of stability is being ripped apart limb from limb. Why is this? Why is the concept of a “Great Reset” not so much a stepping back to reimagine improvements as we move forward, as it is a nuclear bomb that smashes to smithereens every ounce of common sense, sanity, and prosperity we have known and believed …beyond all recognition? The answer is stark and perhaps even dismal for those who strive to keep a positive perspective. Quite simply … we have arrived at the final beast system of world government … and It is here to demolish everything! 


“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

-1 Peter 5:8

Way back in history, an event took place that shook the heavens. It was likely before the creation of the world although we cannot be sure of the exact time of its occurrence. But sometime long long ago, Lucifer, the anointed Cherubim, led a rebellion against God almighty in Heaven. The head Angel was so enamored with his own beauty and great gifts that he wanted to ascend to the heights of Heaven and be worshipped as God Himself:

“For thou hast said in thine heart, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north!” -Isaiah 14:13

Of course, his vain plan failed and God sentenced Him and 1/3 of the angelic realm (the devil’s demonic government who rebelled with him ) to an eternally damned state. There was one caveat, however. The sentence was read but the start date was deferred to a later time. Thus for six millennia, we have seen Lucifer (known as Satan) deceive and destroy in every way he possibly could. He is bitter and he is disillusioned. But He is cunning and has a powerful team of fallen angels at his side and they are determined to either go down swinging (taking as much of humanity as they can down with them) or hopefully in their depraved minds, figure out a way to still overcome God.  

After creation, in the Garden of Eden, Satan planted a seed with Eve that has morphed over the last 6000 years. Satan lied to Eve and told her that if she betrayed God and ate the fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil “she and her offspring, known as humanity,  would be like God. Their eyes would be opened and they could then see things as they really are and not simply be blindly following God’s restrictive agenda. They could gain wisdom and power and be gods themselves if they would just follow Satan’s plan instead of obeying God, whom the Devil insinuated was hiding good things from them. 

Eve caved in under the tempting pressure!

Eve and Adam ate the fruit and sin entered the world. From that point, the ball started rolling toward a world where Satan’s worldview would constantly be uplifted and promoted by fallen man to counter God’s worldview which would be embraced by far fewer human beings. Satan’s ultimate goal was to lead an entire world in rebellion against God and to be worshipped by humanity in place of God almighty! But …God had different plans. 


In Gen 3:15 God promised Satan  that a Savior would come from Eve’s offspring sometime in the far-off future:

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

That Savior would destroy Satan and his evil schemes although the Savior Himself would also endure suffering. In the end, that Savior would restore fallen humanity to God, but through the ages, the story of human struggle would be long and painful on its way to their ultimate renewal. 


Satan knew the summary of God’s plans but not the details so he became obsessed and fixated on stopping the promise. 

Over the next 1500 years, Satan and his demonic cohorts managed to corrupt nearly the entire world and he may have believed that stopping the future savior from coming was within his grasp. If no one was left to honor God, the Devil figured he would win. But as always is the case, our Heavenly Father preserved for Himself a small family that still was faithful to Him. Noah and his family were protected through the first catastrophic global judgment of the Great Flood and God started over with a believing remnant to populate the post-flood world and disarm Satan’s attempt to utterly pervert the whole planet. 

A few hundred years later Satan attempted to unite the world at Babel and bring about a satanic kingdom under an Antichrist-type figure named Nimrod. The timing for such a one-world order however was not right because God had not yet provided the Savior that He promised would spiritually save mankind. God scattered the peoples of Babel to the corners of the world creating the various nation states. He also changed their language so they would have great obstacles in ever again coming together under the Devil as one people moving forward. Communication would be a huge problem. And once again …Satan was foiled and he had to wait!  


Later …God called Abraham to follow Him by faith and in turn for his faithfulness, God would establish Abraham’s family as the ones that would ultimately bring forth the Promised Savior. The Nation of Israel was born and through that family, the whole world would be blessed :

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” -Gen 12:1-3

From the moment Satan figured out that Abraham’s Israeli children were the chosen family to bring forth the Savior, it has been his 3 part obsession to A) take the world’s worship for himself contrary to God’s plan …B) keep the Messiah from coming and reclaiming humanity for God’s glory…C) snuff out Israel so the promises of God could never be fulfilled.

-He persuaded Pharaoh to try to kill all the newborn Jewish babies in an attempt to eliminate the promised Savior. 

-He deluded Haman to try and exterminate all the Jews in Persia.  

-He riled up Herod to seek baby Jesus to try and kill God’s Messiah. 

-The Devil also tried internal subterfuge. He stirred unrest and unfaithfulness among the Jewish people to betray God from generation to generation often bringing harsh judgment on the nation from their Heavenly Father. 

Centuries passed, the kingdom was split and both halves (Israel and Judah) experienced exile to foreign lands as punishment for their unfaithfulness to God yet a remnant was always preserved by the Lord to keep the plan moving forward and the Savior’s arrival time on schedule. 


When Jesus finally appeared on the scene, the Devil tried to tempt Him into taking the kingdoms of the world as a gift with the sole stipulation that Jesus had to bow down to the Chief of the fallen angels. (If God Himself would bow down to Satan then his goal would be achieved) Of course, our Lord rebuked Satan and refused the offer knowing full well that the world’s kingdoms were destined by God’s decree to one day all be His to judge and rule over but that would be at His Second coming. He had other business to take care of on His First earthly visit. He had to die on the cross for humanity (to save them spiritually) and build His church to graft in the Gentiles before the world would ever be restored physically and united under Christ’s global Lordship on David’s throne!

At the cross, Satan may have temporarily thought he had gained a victory watching God’s Son rejected as Messiah and killed. In reality, it was the death blow to Satan’s aspirations because, at the Cross, Jesus paid for humanity’s sin and opened the door for sinners to be legally restored to God by His substitutionary atonement. Death and sin no longer were the powerful tools Satan could use to manipulate men through fear. 

“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - 1 Corinth 15:55-58

Jesus came out of the tomb victorious, and He ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God until the Father tells Him it is time to return and claim His bride ( the Church ) at the Rapture. 

Until that moment comes, the Church was to grow and grow and reach the corners of the globe with the Gospel. Israel was temporarily placed on the sidelines to wait until her King would return to set up the glorious thousand-year kingdom with Christ on David’s throne in Jerusalem. And the world? Well, it was to heave to and fro with the winds of change, kingdom after kingdom, tyrant after tyrant, growing worse and worse morally, but smarter and smarter technologically …. Until one day, communication barriers would be overcome and Babel would become a reality once again! 


The prophet Daniel was given a vision of four beasts that would rule over His people Israel from His time in Babylon until the Messiah would come to set up His earthly millennial kingdom. The Beasts were Babylon (in Daniel’s Day), the Medo/Persian empire followed second, Alexander’s Greece was third, and the Roman Empire was fourth. That is where history was when Israel was destroyed and scattered throughout the world in 70 AD.  The next two millennia saw a long succession of earthly kingdoms coming and going as well as the age of the Church being built and the scientific community making huge technological gains advancing us to our current world today. 

But the final pieces of the puzzle were not yet all in place!

Then … In 1948 Israel was reborn as a nation. This was right on the heels of the post-World War Two founding of the UN. The European Coal and Steel Community established a treaty in 1952 to help bring about a Western European Union alliance helping birth a modern Roman Empire in its infancy. Out of that, the current EU (European Union) came together and in 1999 they adopted a common currency, the Euro. On a larger scale, we have seen many globalist groups established since 1948. Groups such as the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the WHO (World Health Organization) along with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank and many others. 

So just as Israel is back, the revival of the fourth beast (Rome) has emerged and from that region of Europe will come the man who will lead a rising global government divided into 10 regional spheres. The 10 regional governors will pledge their allegiance to this global dictator and make him king of the world just as Satan has long hoped would happen. 

“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.” -Rev 17:12-13


The Judeo Christian world view that has freed billions of people from tyranny and truly helped establish human rights throughout the planet as it spread westward these last 2000 years, (because it recognizes we all have value that comes from being created in God’s image) and is now under intense attack from the globalist promoters because they want all rights to come from government and not from God. 

The nation states that God established when He destroyed Babel and scattered the people throughout the world, (particularly the leader of those nations which is the sovereign United States  Of America ) are under attack because strong nationalism is a deterrent to a global takeover by the elites who want a one-world government just as nimrod wanted at Babel.  This is the only time in history where the leaders of individual nations are purposely destroying their own borders, their own economies, their own ability to defend themselves, and their own histories in order to weaken the nations they represent. They foresee positions being granted to them in a higher government of global control and are willing to betray their constituency to secure positions among the global elites. 

So now the stage is being set and we have come full circle. If the globalist planners get their way, they get to establish a new Tower of Babel with themselves at the top of world rule! Their priorities are to destroy the Judeo-Christian worldview so they can dictate what rights and privileges the masses will be granted. Social credit scores will replace the Ten Commandments. Faulty scientists who adhere to the theory of evolution and the destructive climate change cult will be honored as the guides of humanity while faith in the Creator God will be seen as a weakness and a crutch for the mentally unstable. 

National heroes and those generations of people before us who bore the struggles of being nation builders, carving their niche in history through trial and error and through triumph and failure to better their countries and advance civilization through their hard work, their wars, and their ingenuity …..will all be discarded as failures for not living up to the new moral high ground these globalists claim to aspire to. 

So we see History being trashed and rewritten. We see borders being destroyed and national identities blurred. We see economies bankrupted and morality redefined. We see belief in the Judeo-Christian God being ridiculed and faith in science and man-made gods of Artificial Intelligence being heralded. We see God’s created order of man and woman being replaced with the theory that humans can self-identify as anything they choose. Up is down and down is up …And it’s being purposely engineered this way for a reason. 

This final Beast will incorporate all of Satan’s past strategies to rule the world in one last gasp:

-corrupt humanity with utter sinfulness as He did before the flood making men’s minds depraved and desiring to cast off all remembrance of God and His ways (Ps 2). Perhaps we will even see the blasphemous merging of man and computer and the altering of DNA again as Satan attempted to do with fallen angels and human women before the flood. 

-Destroy nations and build a global empire with one Satanic ruler at the top as He did at the Tower of Babel.

-Destroy Israel as He attempted with Pharaoh and Haman (and more recently Hitler) so there is no Throne of David for Messiah to return to thus making God a liar for not fulfilling His promises to Israel. 

-Prevent God’s Messiah from coming as Herod tried to do by wiping out His Chosen Nation Israel and having the armies of the world waiting at Megiddo to Fight Jesus at His return. 

-Confuse Israel’s judgment and lead them astray as He did with their Old Testament kings by luring them into a false covenant that will be their demise rather than safety. Putting faith in men and not God. They will trust their false messiah because they rejected their true one! 

All these efforts are destroying everything that we have known and are restructuring a whole new world that will ultimately worship Satan. The Old World will be torn to pieces and completely demolished while the new order is established and set in place. The only element of the world we have known that will not be overcome is the Church because Jesus promised the gates of Hell could never stand against the New Testament Saints. This is why the rapture “Must” happen before the Antichrist is revealed. 

Revelation often refers to Babel as the model for the final system both politically and spiritually. Chapter 17 shows the Great religious harlot that Babel has influenced known as “Mystery Babylon The Great: The Mother Of Harlots!”  Chapter 18 shows the mammon system of commerce and worldly political system known as “Babylon the Great”!  The final Beast System of Antichrist is a final version of the original Babel. The first Babel introduced all the false religious systems of the Post-flood world and also initiated the first great attempt to politically control the whole world in one united government headed by Nimrod. When the final system is called Babel it is because that system is Satan’s home base for a global government. Not so much geographically but the spiritual design for ruling a world order. 

So…. When God destroyed Babel, He created the nations. In order to re-establish Babel, Satan is leading the destruction of the nations. And He is leaving nothing to chance. The destruction is going to be complete…and irreversible. 


All the mechanisms are in place for the rule of all aspects of human life by a global government. The Sustainable Development Goals are nation killers. The Environmental Social Governance policies are economic killers. The World Health Guidelines are national sovereignty negators. The migration policies are border destroyers. The LGBTQ and Pro-choice policies are population eliminators. We may possibly even be witnessing weather Manipulation that is destroying all infrastructure of the human population centers through unbearable storm-related catastrophes. And certainly, the shifting away from the Judeo-Christian worldview of the West is causing all manner of devils to enter the public consciousness and turn hearts to darkness and minds to pure depravity. 

What we are witnessing is certainly the rise of the final beast! How do we know for certain? Because God almighty told us that when it would rise, it would crush everything to pieces that came before it into a mere residue and there could be no turning back. 

After this I saw* in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

I considered* the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” -Daniel 7:7-8

Satan wants to be king of the world. He wants to be worshipped by all humanity. He wants a position that has only been reserved for Jesus Christ but He still wants to claim it for himself. And for a short time, he will get his way in destroying everything that came before and will be the head of a world order, unlike anything we have ever seen before or will ever see again. 

It is now happening! The Beast system is arriving right now and our world and all we have known is being completely destroyed all around us just as God said it would. But when we see all these things come to pass we are to look up … because the Rapture of the Church is right at the the door! And our glorious Lord is about to come and take the throne that only He is worthy to take …And Satan’s long-desired but deeply degenerated desire is about to prove to be a fleeting mirage! 

“I saw* in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” -Daniel 7:13-14

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Brian Raider
Brian Raider
Oct 22, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a Great description of all that is coming to pass


Oct 15, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What an awesome summary of our times and soon to come events!… MARANATHA!

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