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Writer's picturePete Garcia

The Babel Delusion (Charles Clough)

From the Pre Trib Research Center's Annual Pre Trib Conference

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Autumn Blue
Autumn Blue
Mar 25, 2023

This was so good. Thanks for posting it, Pete! Loved the references to the garden and breath of life in the ancient Chinese language. And the flood and ark! There is so much evidence for a Biblical worldview. We don't have to have it to believe, but it's so plain and people are either too lazy or too frightened to really look into it honestly.


Mar 19, 2023

I just received my copy of the new book out by Terry James and Pete Garcia!!! I am so excited to dig into it. Thanks again Pete for your faithfulness and for your willingness to share yourself with the body of Christ!! You and Terry are an awesome writing "machine" and I, for one, am so grateful to the Lord for both of you!!!

Mar 21, 2023
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I just finished chapter 1, (what can I say? I'm busy) but WOW! I have been reading the Word for at least 4 decades and I am ALWAYS educated by these two men!!! Chapter 1 is STELLAR!! If you haven't ordered it yet, go get it!! It's titled NEW WORLD ORDER and you can get it on Amazon quicker than other sites (I know Amazon is a dark place). I am SO looking forward to more "reading time". Thanks Pete (and Mr. Terry) for such a wonderful book!!! God bless you!!


Mar 19, 2023

That is really interesting!!!!


Mar 18, 2023

This was a wonderful presentation by Mr. Clough. Thank you so much, Pete, for posting this. After I was saved at 23, the only way I could see the Biblical creation account was to believe in Theistic evolution. Of course this was due to my public school education. Early in my "new birth", I attended a Creation Science seminar. What a joy it was to me as a baby Christian to know that I could trust in the literal interpretation of the Bible. Naturally it assured me of the inerrancy of God's Word. My prayer is that any open-minded unbeliever who comes across this video would be moved to see that the Bible is true and find salvatio…


Mar 18, 2023

If science just looked to the bible as their source of knowledge about the earth, they would have to acknowledge the earth has a Creator, God of Heaven and Earth. How long did it take for science to figure out the Earth is not flat! Thousands of years ago the bible stated that God sits above the "circle of the Earth", round, not flat.

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;. Isaiah 40:22

Ignorant men. SMH

Autumn Blue
Autumn Blue
Mar 26, 2023
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Amen! Love that passage in Isaiah! Ray Comfort has a video about all the verses from the ancient writers sharing knowledge of the natural earth WAY before scientists figured any of it out.

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