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Friday VLOG (12/09/22)

Updated: Jan 21, 2023

I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Revelation 3:8

"Donkey's in Dallas" excerpt from Jack Kinsella

"I’ve told this story before, but for the benefit of new members, bear with me whilst I engage in a little name-dropping to make my point.

Back in the early 90’s I was speaking at a conference in Niagara Falls with a bunch o’ famous guys; Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, Dave Hunt, Peter Lalonde and Dave Breese.

These guys were old pros, but I was pretty new to it all. Over coffee one morning, I asked Dave Hunt how he kept his feet on the ground in the face of all the adulation from Bible prophecy fans, of which he had many.

Dave told me that there was once a donkey for hire. Out of a stable full of donkeys, he was picked to be the one hired out for a day. At the end of the day, the rest of the donkeys asked him how his day went.

Our donkey was thrilled. “It was amazing,” he said. “There were crowds lining both sides of the street. They were throwing palm fronds before my feet and shouting ‘Hosanna!’ as I passed by.”

“You know,” said the donkey, “I think they’re gonna crown me King.”

Dave looked at me over his coffee cup and asked me if I remembered the name of the donkey. When I said I didn’t, he told me that was the point. Some people think the commotion is for them, rather than the Message that they carry.

Over the course of my ministry education, God has given me access to some of this generation’s most gifted teachers. I’ve received instruction from such giants as Dr. John Walvoord and Dave Hunt, Grant Jeffrey, Dave Breese, Chuck Missler, among many others.

I was personally ordained into the ministry by Hal Lindsey — but only after I’d completed a ten-year discipleship. Following the ceremony, Hal introduced me as the “downright Reverend Jack.” I believe the Lord arranged my ministry training in such a way as to make it impossible to take myself too seriously.

“For by grace are ye trained, and that not of yourself, lest you forget you’re just a donkey.”

Below is a list of things I watch on a fairly routine basis.

'Watchman' YouTube Channels

Prophetic Ministries

Alternative News/Information Channels

Recommended Satire Channels

Recommended Rumble Channels and/or speakers

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