It was around 1406 BC that Israel finally entered the promised land under the guidance of Joshua. The Jewish nation had wandered in the wilderness 40 years after leaving Egypt because they failed to trust God to deliver the coveted land into their possession. But now it was time to finally cross the Jordan River and lay claim to the land God had promised to Abraham over 400 years earlier. Joshua was honored to be their leader because He was faithful when spying out the land some four score years earlier and had told his people they could be triumphant in conquest. 10 other spies rejected Joshua’s report that day and told the people that the land would be impossible to take because the inhabitants were too mighty. But one spy stood with Joshua and declared that God would be with them and they could be victorious. The people believed the ten and God turned them back into the wilderness to roam for four more decades.
After forty years wandering in the “Wilderness of Sin”, Israel finally arrived back at the same river they had failed to cross the first time but now they were ready to cross. Joshua was their leader but he was also joined by the only other spy who stood with him back in their youth. That man’s name was Caleb and he joined Joshua in crossing the people over into their new country on that joyous day. Among the many details, Scripture gives us of the time of Israel coming into its inheritance, one seemingly inconsequential detail is intentionally pointed out by God and may be a key to understanding the final piece of the prophetic puzzle regarding Christ's return. That detail is Caleb’s age. He was 85!
The boxes keep getting checked one by one. The ducks seem to be lining themselves up all in a row. For the prophetic watching community, we seem to be witnessing God setting the perfect stage to fulfill all of His end-time plans and usher in the reign of His Son Jesus Christ for a new millennial kingdom.
We know that the Bible shows us patterns that all mean something in God’s Big picture. Just as the Sacrificial system of the Old Testament was meaningful in pointing to the Crucifixion of Messiah Jesus at His first coming, we have similar patterns that are pointing to His second coming. Some interesting examples:
The seven-day week is a pattern for the seven millennia of mankind on earth.
Six-day work week followed by a seventh day dedicated to God for rest (Sabbath) just as man has ruled the creation for the first 6000 years but Jesus will come as God on earth in the final 7th millennium to bring peace on earth! The Sabbath Millennium.
A day is as a thousand years to God and a thousand years is as a day (2 Peter 3:8) which helps us interpret passages like Hosea 6:2.
“After two days, he will restore us to life, on the third day he will raise us up, and we will live in his presence.”
Putting these two verses side by side we can interpret that God plans on Jesus returning after two thousand years to set up His glorious kingdom and we know that in approximately 2032-2033 AD The Lord will have been gone two thousand years.
Do these passages mean that God has to send Jesus back “EXACTLY” two thousand years after He left? No! But due to the precision with which God fine-tuned His creation and the attention to every minor detail He has exhibited in fulfilling His other prophecies, it is apparent that God is a precise creator and not one that relies on randomness. Since every day has 24 hours and every week has 7 days and that doesn’t vary, I believe the exactness of a seven-millennium history patterned after a 7-day creation week is most likely.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1Cor 15:51-53
We are now seeing something that is bizarre historically speaking. We have a person who will be considered the most powerful man in the world (President of the United States ) named “Trump”, at the same moment when all the prophetic signs are converging. Not only is the timing and name curious, but the fact he was President for one term, then not President for a term, and now is President-elect means we are witnessing the last Trump Presidential term and not simply the second term of his Presidency. In other words, there are going to have been two Trump Presidencies when normally a two-term president has one long presidency. The first and last Trump Presidency may be a key clue that the RAPTURE will happen during the next 4 years.
In addition to the 2000th anniversary of our Lord’s ascension, the seventh millennium on the horizon, and the last “Trump” Presidency at hand, we also know the signs our Lord warned us would happen near the end of the age have been increasing like birth pangs for a while now. Nations warring, rumors of wars, seas roaring, deception everywhere, hearts waxing cold, etc. Those things have all been growing in frequency and intensity for the last 100 years and like birth pains are now accelerating almost exponentially. But the specific signs we still need to see are these.
Mark of the Beast technology
Digital Currency
Global Government
Global Religion
Peace Covenant demanded in Israel as world antisemitism grows
Damascus destruction
Gog Magog battle
Rebuilt Temple
The generation that saw the Fig tree (Israel bloom) is still alive to inherit the kingdom.
Most of these have to do with Israel and it could. be argued that almost all of them have more chance to be fulfilled under a Donald Trump Presidency than under leftist leadership. How-so? Let’s take a look at how:
Mark Of The Beast Technology: Although Donald Trump Himself believes in freedom and the American Constitution which guarantees individual freedom, the Mark of the Beast technology will likely grow in its development during his administration. This is because the continued development of the Beast System of Revelation will not stop just because a nationalist is in the office of the US President. It may cease to be developing in a radical leftist direction, but the global infrastructure of the Antichrist will keep going forward so the world is ready for the Man of Sin to take charge after the Rapture of the Church. Trump’s friend Elon Musk is one of the leading tech guys in the world and his Neuralink experiment may be developed on the fast track with Trump in Office.
Digital Currency: The banks have it ready to roll out and it likely would have been introduced under either a second Biden or first Harris term. Nonetheless, it is more likely that the political right and the world’s economies will have a greater degree of trust in a Trump rollout of digital money. Most likely, He and his conservative allies will roll out a version that is optional and not a direct threat to cash initially. It’s no surprise that people will trust his economic leadership far more than they would under leftist leadership and the guess here is that the guard of the strong nationalists will be down and more accepting if Trump leads the way. A digital currency and Digital ID and Neuralink-type tech will be necessary for the Antichrist to implement the “Mark” at the midpoint of the Trib and although I don’t think Trump realizes the ultimate ramifications, he will strongly support moving the nation and the world ahead in all these technology endeavors.
Global Government: Yes Trump is a nationalist and it’s very possible that above the surface it will appear he is dismantling a lot of the globalist agenda. Radical environmentalism will likely lose its grip on energy development. The WHO, UN, and NATO will lose some teeth under his guidance. And…. Borders will likely be strengthened especially for America during his administration. But we have to remember that most of the things those organizations represent are opportunities for the globalists to initiate a global crisis to seize control of the masses. But that crisis opportunity will supernaturally happen anyway when the Rapture occurs. Global climate change and pandemics won’t be needed when the crisis of millions of human beings disappearing occurs. Perhaps “ Project Blue Beam “ will be introduced as the reason for the disappearance or maybe some other answer will be provided that will propel Satan’s man to lead the world after the “snatching away” but no matter how it comes about, the infrastructure will be ready so the huge crisis will bring about just what the globalists have been waiting for.
Global Religion: There is a movement of Christians in this country who are “Kingdom Now” or “Seven Mountains” believers who want a far-right government to help bring about Christ’s kingdom on earth through the change of the world’s seven major institutions. They want to legislate goodness by having the Christian takeover of government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business. While it would certainly make a better world if that is possible, it isn’t Biblical. Those with correct eschatology know this world will continue to grow worse until Christ comes back to fix it. But … President Trump had a lot of support from believers in that camp during his first administration and it’s certainly possible they will emerge now to Make another push at a much larger role for religion in the grand scheme of the global institutions. Again it may not have a bad initial impact in America or around the world but when the rapture happens it may open the door to the “Religious Harlot “ of Revelation and the movement may now be able to grow under the radar without much pushback during a conservative Trump administration.
Peace Covenant for Israel: Back in the 1980s Donald Trump had a book out called “Art Of the Deal”. Donald Trump sees himself as perhaps the greatest deal-maker and negotiator in the world. The Israeli people trust him. We could see that with the “Abraham Accords “ during his first administration. Again, I believe Trump has good intentions and is not an antichrist candidate but I do think he is uneducated on true eschatology and may be front and center in helping diagram a peace covenant that after the rapture may be the “Covenant with Many “ that Daniel warns about. We know the world is growing more and more antisemitic and is clamoring for a peace deal that will hamstring the Jewish nation. A covenant with good initial intentions that Trump helps craft may influence Israel to bargain and may turn diabolical after the Church is taken.
Damascus destruction and Gog Magog War: I am lumping these two together because I believe both will happen after the Rapture although Damascus could be destroyed sooner causing an outcry for the covenant. But certainly, a Trump administration will further embolden Israel to finish the job of destroying their surrounding enemies and creating a safe space for themselves in the Middle East. The annihilation of Hamas and Hezbollah (and perhaps Damascus) will help provide them with the security spoken of by Ezekiel when He states Israel will be living peacefully in their land without walls. (Ez 38:11) Those conditions are far more likely to develop under an Israel-friendly Trump Presidency.
Rebuilt Temple: While it’s possible the Temple will not be rebuilt until the Tribulation begins, we know Trump is pro-Israel, the Jews are growing in their fervor to rebuild it, and Trump prides himself in being a builder. The conditions may soon be right to have the kind of support they need and the confidence they require to ignore the Arab opposition and proceed with their building project.
With all the signs seemingly coming together at once, one piece has been difficult to figure out. It always seemed likely to me that the kingdom would come and fulfill some unique date in Israel’s history. Perhaps 2017 because it was 50 years after the Jews captured Jerusalem. Maybe 2018 because it marked 70 years since their national reestablishment in 1948. Or possibly even 2028 because that would be 80 years from Israel’s rebirth and we know that the generation of 1948 has to still be alive when all things are fulfilled and the kingdom arrives.
Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, ... Psalm 90:10
But 2028 doesn’t work because the rapture hasn’t happened yet and after it does we need at least 7 years before Christ’s kingdom is here. That pushes past 2028. So… after praying for wisdom I dug further into Israel’s history and stumbled upon the story mentioned at the top of this article about Israel’s initial voyage to their promised home.
There were three men during the Exodus who displayed superior faith to the rest in believing God’s promise of inheriting a new land; Moses, Joshua, and Caleb. Moses didn’t get to enter the Promised Land because He disobeyed God when striking the rock a second time in the wilderness. (The Rock represented Christ who was struck down once and for all) Joshua was allowed to lead Israel across the Jordan and has his own Book In Holy Scripture. But Caleb may have the passage that ties all of these end-time signs together.
6 Now the people of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me. 7 I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions, 8 but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. 9 So on that day Moses swore to me, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.’
10 Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! 11 I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. 12 Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said. 13 Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance.
God makes sure to emphasize Caleb’s age of 85 years and his strength when the time came to inherit His portion of God’s promised land. Remember Psalm 90:10 just said that 70 years is a generation or 80 if strength endures but that all those are filled with sorrow. Perhaps God is telling us that even 80 years won’t be enough for Israel to see its kingdom but Caleb’s example shows when the Lord’s Spirit is upon them even at 85 they can be as strong as need be to fight the battles and enter their inheritance; Christ’s Kingdom!
Got Questions adds this :
Caleb had a different attitude from the other spies. Verse 30 records, “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.’” When the people complained that they could not go up to conquer the land, both Caleb and Joshua responded strongly: “Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh . . . tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, ‘The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.’ Numbers 14:6-9
And God further lifts Caleb up with this :
But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Numbers 14:24
So What does this all mean? Well, it may not mean anything. Or it may be God telling us that faithfulness to him is remembered. Everyone familiar with Scripture knows of Moses and Joshua. They have long been glorified in Biblical lore. But Caleb is far more obscure to most. Perhaps not in God’s eyes though. He may be a typology of those Israelites (and many of Caleb’s descendants) who gain a different Spirit during the Tribulation. That Spirit is from Christ when they finally believe in Him. Because they have that Spirit by recognizing their true Messiah and believing in Him, they will be allowed to inherit the Kingdom when Christ returns. Just as the Holy Spirit was on Caleb and He was allowed to enter the promised land and claim His territory at age 85.
Now if Israel follows this path, they will inherit their kingdom when their nation is 85 years old. That would be 2033. Which (in all likelihood) happens to be the 2000th year since Jesus went back to Heaven. If it is all correct, then everything ties together. The rapture would be sometime in 2026 or before. It would be at the “last trump” (call to gather the church to Christ) and during the last Trump Presidency. The 7th millennium will start exactly after 6000 years of fallen human history. The 7th millennium would then bring the peaceful rest for the world that it has groaned for as it is restored by Christ showing He is not only Lord of the sabbath day (Matthew 12:8) but also Lord of the Sabbath millennium.
The signs are piling up as irrefutable evidence that Jesus is about to return. No, we can not know the hour or day of the Lord’s return but we are growing more and more knowledgeable every day it seems as to the accuracy of scripture and the meaning of signs. Could we be wrong? Certainly, God can do what He pleases and if He chooses to delay fulfillment then He has total sovereign prerogative to do so. But it is His nature to lead His people to understanding as they search out His Word. And if He expects His followers to accurately preach, accurately teach, and accurately interpret things like prophecies and tongues, He Himself would even more so be faithful to not give all the signs of His Son’s coming to His people and then pull the rug out from under them and leave them confused as to what the signs even mean. We can only conclude that Jesus is coming very soon, and the window of the grace age is about to close. I believe the signs are clear! And the sound of the last trump will also be clear!
Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? 1 Cor 14:8
Thank you for this analysis and perspective. I really like it and I hope it is true. Yes, we know not the day nor hour. But, what about the "season" of His return? Don't forget that days mean nothing to God. He created them. Therefore, to God, a "day" can be volatile and not constant. Did not God lengthen the day for Joshua when he was in armed conflict? Here is the text from Joshua 10:12-14.
"Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And…
Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite which are of the Edomites isn't it Great How GOD used an Edomite to represent the Tribe of Judah as the Spy sent. wouldn't that make Caleb a gentile I wonder if that would be a clue too?
What a fabulous article! I love the way you have tied everything together, especially your bullet point elaborations. "LAST Trump (Presidency)" caught my ear as well as a possible play on words-revelation of the Lord's sense of humor. I speak for countless in being also shocked that we ARE yet here...but the one little balm that helps me in my worst moments of HOMEsickness is imagining the massive move of our Abba in bringing countless former Muslims into the fold. Since October 7, 2023 it's been Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal Part Deux. The ONE TRUE GOD who has been revealing Himself through dreams and visions in their midst is taking on "Allah" (bka Satan) full-throttle. For their sake,…
John, I have long thought that God has a sense of humor plus the fact that He hides things in plain sight. People have laughed at me in the past when I said that Trump would be elected again because at the last trump we will be caught up to heaven. Like you, I find it very interesting that in these last days, we have a famous person named Trump who has been reelected a second time separated by four years. But I also find it interesting that we also have a famous person who is into eugenics and is a depopulation proponent who is experimenting with altering DNA, named Gates. "I will build my church; and the gates of…
John, I believe that you're on the right track connecting Psalms 90:10, the life of Caleb, and the lifespan of the modern state of Israel. You may also be interested to know that there are actually three very interesting lines, from the modern state of Israel, that all converge on the same year. From the Balfour Declaration in 1917 it will be 120 years. From the Israeli Declaration of Statehood in 1948 it will be 89 years (as you pointed out).
From their regaining of the Temple Mount in 1967 it will be 70 years. You can find it at: > Biblical Timelines > Modern State of Israel Timeline - Monthly