I believe that from the Rapture to the Thousand-Year Reign of Christ will be a 15 year period that follows the template of the Levitical feasts that occur in the 7th month (Tishrei).1 - Feast of Trumpets (Rapture)(7 year Tribulation occurs from 3-10 *overlapping)10 - Day of Atonement (Second Coming of Christ)
15 - Feast of Tabernacles (Thousand-Year Reign of Christ begins)
Using Leviticus 23 as the template, there is no place for a mid-Tribulation rapture (other than what nettlesr pointed out with the 2 witnesses).
I believe that from the Rapture to the Thousand-Year Reign of Christ will be a 15 year period that follows the template of the Levitical feasts that occur in the 7th month (Tishrei). 1 - Feast of Trumpets (Rapture) (7 year Tribulation occurs from 3-10 *overlapping) 10 - Day of Atonement (Second Coming of Christ)
15 - Feast of Tabernacles (Thousand-Year Reign of Christ begins)
Using Leviticus 23 as the template, there is no place for a mid-Tribulation rapture (other than what nettlesr pointed out with the 2 witnesses).