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Join date: Jun 23, 2022


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🌈A humble servant of my Adonai Yahusha Ha'Mashiach. He is faithful and true. All his promises are our yes and amen. His word is our armor and protection. He saved me from a spiraling downward role that was heading towards eternal damnation in hell.

He left the 99, just to get me, to put me on his shoulders and carry me back into a Sheepfold where I have remained ever since. I thank him for his beautiful spirit and his Ruach Ha'Qodesh that he was has put nside of me some 5 years ago now. Sanctification is such a beautiful process! Taste and see that Adonai is good! The best feeling is abiding in him and him abiding in you. He is the vine and we are the branches and apart from him we can do nothing.💯

In my weakness, his strength is absolutely perfected. I'm a living testimony of his goodness, his greatness, is countless miracles that are all according to his unfailing and everlasting love, his amazing and sweet grace, and his mercies made new everyday. I have a website that is still under works. It's

At this moment in time, money and some other stuff are hampering my endeavors from completing this objective. But this Ruach inspired endeavor is like anything else that the ruach puts inside of you... HIS ruach will make sure that my Father's will WILL be done.

Right now, I am building up my YouTube channel, which is growing nicely (all the glory to El Elyon) and which is meant to glorify the captain of our salvation, our great God of Israel who provided the Lamb of God for the atonement for our sins.

It's also meant to bring prodigal sons back home, as I was also once a prodigal son. And it's also to comfort, edify and encourage the entire bride of Christ, as we await his glorious return to take his own back home to the Beautiful and wonderful Kingdom of the Shamayim. Please like, share and subscribe because it's all about spreading the gospel message and making sure that many will not "Perish because of their lack of knowledge", like the prophet Jeremiah said. To get to my YouTube channel, you need to actually just highlight the whole URL and then either copy and paste it into your browser or just press "open web page" if it gives you that option.

My website is still under construction though.

I can be found on Instagram, which again is is mainly used to glorify the ALMIGHTY (El Elyon), the MOST HIGH (El Shaddai) and our King of Glory, Yahusha Ha'Mashiach. HalleluYAH! 💙💙💙 My Instagram account is:

Love u all! Remember that in the end, All That Remains is faith, hope and love. But above all these things, LOVE is the most important because love covers a multitude of sins, we have been commanded to love our neighbors as ourself, and because our God of Israel is love (Yahua is his name) ❤️



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