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The Days of Noah and the Titanic!

And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”-Genesis 6:3

The last article I shared here had to do with the days of Noah, the days of Lot, and the last Trump which I believe is on the near horizon. Today’s article is more speculation on the “Days of Noah” theme but may be completely out in left field. I wanted to share my thoughts though because when I did a little research into the matter it captivated me greatly. 

The days of Noah came about when God was about to cause a worldwide global judgment to fall on humanity; The Great Flood!  The days of Lot were the precursor to a regional event of judgment; The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  While Jesus mentions both in Matthew 24 and Luke 17 when talking about the signs of His return, they may not have been for the same reasons. 

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37-39

26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Luke 17:26-30

It’s possible that the conditions of eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage that are mentioned in both Noah's and Lots conditions, are worldwide social experiences celebrated everywhere. Yet by indicating that the end would mirror the localized economic conditions of Lot’s time (planting and building, buying and selling ), it may be a hint that regional economies will still be functioning when the Lord breaks back into time to rapture His church. In other words, the whole world will be marrying and eating and drinking, as usual, and the individual regions would still be functioning in a time of distinct national economies and not all one consolidated global economy. 

Now this is all merely speculation based on prayer for wisdom and I am not proclaiming this as a certainty. But Jesus did indeed give some different signs for the two separate calamities that may sort out some of the overall global conditions and the individual national conditions preceding the coming judgment. 

If this is accurate, then the following are things we know :

-The coming judgment will be global like the flood and affect everyone everywhere and not localized like S&G!

-There will still be buying and selling, planting and building going on at the time of the Rapture so the economic conditions more resemble our current national economies than the Great Reset version of an economy where no one owns anything and planting gardens is outlawed and we are all somehow herded into 15 minute cities. This appears to indicate the existence of local commerce like those in S&G which may be why our Lord put the example of Buying and Selling and Planting and Building in the Lot example. 

-We know the examples the Lord uses in both the Noah and Lot judgments have to be speaking of the conditions at His coming to rapture the Church because they do not lineup with the horrendous worldwide conditions we see throughout Scripture at His actual second coming. 

With that all in mind I looked further for clues of the unique conditions before the two previous judgments and something stood out.  The one main thing that happened before the flood that was different than the destruction of S&G was that God gave humanity a 120-year warning before the flood. 

Gen 6:3 “And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”

This got me thinking, if the Lord issued a 120-year warning before the first global judgment, is it possible that for the discerning, He will issue a 120-year warning before the last global judgment?

Well of course that is impossible to figure with great certainty without an audible voice of God telling a prophet. I fully believe Scripture is complete and God is not giving new revelation but He does give illumination to those who seek out His Word for clues and clarity. 

Most of us in the watcher community believe we are now in the last stages of the signs being given for our Lord’s return as we see the infrastructure of the Beast kingdom being built at the same time we see Israel surrounded by a sea of hostility and worldwide antisemitic hatred, we can be sure the time of the Lord’s return is near. But because we don’t know when the end will be for certain, we don’t know when to back the clock up 120 years to look for a possible 120-year warning that may have been issued. In other words, say Jesus returns to judge the world on May 14, 2068… we may surmise that the clock started in a 120-year warning at the birth of Israel. But we won’t know that until Jesus has returned to judge. So are there any other clues or methods we can use to investigate a potential 120-year warning?

One thing I do believe for sure is that one day to the Lord is as 1000 years and 1000 years is as a day (2 Peter 3:8). I also believe God created the 7-day week to mirror man’s time on earth. 6000 years of human toiling and then a final 1000 years of rest under the righteous renewed kingdom of King Jesus. In addition, I believe the passages that indicate the 3rd day or 3rd millennium after Christ’s first earthly visit will be the millennium when He returns to rule the world. 

“After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.” Hosea 6:2

I believe the 2000th anniversary of Jesus’ crucifixion/resurrection/ascension will be somewhere around 2032-33. Possibly 2031 but more likely 32’ or 33’. With that being the case, I believe our Precise God has a plan to rapture us sometime soon, cast the world into the 7-year Tribulation, and then begin His 7th millennium of Messianic rest around that 32-33 window. God knows precisely when but I can only speculate and I certainly could be wrong

So just for my own curiosity, I went back 120 years from 2033 to see if anything could have happened that could have been the signal that a 120-year warning was being given to humanity about the judgment to come. In 1913 there were some pretty significant events such as the signing of the Federal Reserve Act which probably doomed America although it would be a slow death of our sovereignty for sure. But while there were other notable events as well, I would say nothing that would indicate God was giving humanity a global warning of the dire situation 120 years ahead. 

So I went back from 2032 to 1912… and there I saw it. April 15, 1912…The sinking of the great ship  “Titanic”. The correlations and connecting dots started to fill my mind as I immediately thought back to an article (The Day of the Dead and the Great Flood) Randy Nettles shared on this site a year or so ago. With his great mathematical mind, Randy was able to calculate that the Ark of Noah set sail on Halloween, October 31, 2302 BC, and rested on the mountains of Ararat 150 days later on March 30 (Nisan 17) 2301 BC. which would be the Third day of Unleavened Bread in the Jewish feast system. Since the Ark represented a typology of Jesus Christ as the only salvation for humanity, I found it so wonderful that Our Heavenly Father would align it so that the Ark resting on the mountains with saved humanity aboard, and the Lord fulfilling our salvation at the Cross and being raised to life, would happen on coinciding dates. The Ark was a beautiful picture of Christ, our Savior so having the dates align celebrates God’s perfect sovereignty. 

But what has the Titanic got to do with this? 

The ark was the great boat designed by God to save the world from extinction during His judgment. The Titanic was the greatest ship man ever built and was hailed as the great achievement of the age. At that time, it was said regarding the Titanic's impressive design, that “Even God could not sink it." This prompted me to eagerly look a little deeper into the ways these two ships were similar and different, and if there was some possible divine connection. 

The ark was designed to carry all believing humans and an array of every kind of animal to repopulate the post-flood world. The Titanic was designed to carry human passengers of every class and increase travel opportunities for immigrants mainly for economic profiting reasons. 

The ark was built purely by God's design and instructions. He knew the harsh conditions it would face and He gave Noah explicit details on how it had to be put together to survive. The Titanic Was the technological marvel of the day and was designed by man to be unsinkable against the ocean’s violent tendencies. 

Noah humbly built the ark in faith that God was indeed going to judge the world with a flood and he preached the coming judgment for 100 years because of his faith. The Titanic was built by man’s pride, arrogance, and greed believing nothing could overcome the great sea vessel. 

Noah faithfully believed God would destroy the world and that the ark was his family’s only hope to survive. He trusted God’s warning and trusted God to seal him inside so he could rest while the world perished.  The Titanic builders believed their ship was so indestructible that they did not need to worry about safety precautions like lifeboats for the passengers. 

Noah kept a keen eye out the window observing the conditions and sent out birds to bring back signs of land. The Titanic was so overconfident in its indestructibility that they didn’t even remember binoculars for the lookouts. They missed the approaching iceberg until it was too late because their watchers were ill-equipped. 

If the timeline is correct, the ark landed safely to rest on the 3rd day of Unleavened bread on March 30, 2301 BC.  The Titanic began the first leg of its maiden voyage on April 3, 1912, which ironically happened to be the 3rd day of the feast of Unleavened Bread. This was the first day after its sea trials were over and it sailed to South Hampton to take on the food supplies needed for its maiden voyage

These things got me thinking …. What if God gave a 120-year warning to the Pre-flood world that He would destroy the world and only a great ship would be their salvation? What if He started the 120-year countdown to the final global judgment with the sinking of a great ship? A ship that represented the beginning of man’s global reunification in its early stages of a coming global panacea they were creating on earth? All classes of people and nationalities were on the ship  just as all varieties of creatures were on the ark

Now this may be a stretch but the Titanic could have been a snapshot of the globally united Beast system that would sail the world into disaster 120 years later. Unlike the ark, Titanic was built upon man’s own vision and talents and shaking a fist in God’s face challenging Him that He was no match for their human achievement and genius ability to conquer nature. 

Noah’s Ark was salvation from the monstrous waters of God’s way like the narrow road of following Christ is God’s way to eternal salvation. Only a few found salvation in the Ark. Just eight people made it through alive. The Titanic was more like the broad road to destruction man’s way. Human technology navigating the great ocean according to man’s design. It was filled with people from all classes and they trusted its unsinkability even though that was just an illusion of its human builders. The majority of those who put their faith in the new elite vessel were led to destruction. 

The sinking of the ship brought utter shock to the entire world!

The late 1800s and early 1900s were referred to by author Mark Twain as “ The Gilded Age” because humanity had started to develop technologies that made life better for everyone and after thousands of years of living in the same conditions that were far from luxurious, suddenly technology began to bloom helping create a utopia on earth many thought.  A utopia that would bring all humanity together as it had not experienced since the days of Babel!

The Titanic may have been the kickoff to a world of mass global travel in conjunction with the explosion of technology that Daniel foresaw thousands of years before. 

Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

“We are living, at a period of wonderful transition which tends rapidly to accomplish that great end to which indeed all history points, the realization of the unity of mankind!”

- Prince Albert of Great Britain 1851

The world was moving in a straight upward trajectory it seemed and humanity believed it was conquering all evils of the old world and harnessing the technologies to bring peace and luxury to everyone and create bliss on earth. 

“It was a very traumatic thing. You have people who died in the most appalling circumstances, and you had in a sense, the microcosm of the whole western society two and a half miles down (under the sea water )!” -Michael McCaughan (Maritime History Museum Curator)

“Nothing had really happened, since the days of Napoleon, to destroy man’s faith in continued progress. It’s the last time we’ve been sure of anything .” - Historian Walter Lord describing conditions before and after the Titanic sank.  

“There was peace, and the world had an even tenor to its way. It seems to me that the disaster about to occur was the event that not only made the world rub its eyes and awake, but woke it with a start! To my mind the world of today awoke April 15, 1912!” - Jack Thayer (Titanic survivor ) also describing conditions before and after the sinking of the ship. 

“The sinking of the Titanic was one of the biggest disasters to happen in the 20th century. The fact that so many people from all over the world, so many classes, took part in this disaster, were victims of it, caught the imaginations of even people living who had no investment of human souls on the ship - Wyn Wade (Author of Titanic, End of a Dream)

By every account, the Titanic sinking was the end of something …. Or the beginning of something, that changed the world. Now we don’t have any idea if it was the clock starting on a 120-year countdown as I am postulating. However, we won’t know that this side of the 120-year time expiring and we're still here, or we are gloriously transitioned into our eternal state. But what if God really did use the sinking of that great “ship of human achievement” to start the final 120-year clock til global judgment, just as He used the sealing up of the great ship of “Divine Will” to culminate the first 120-year warning of global judgment? 

If there is anything to this then 2032 will be a big year. Either the rapture will occur, the Great Tribulation will start, or my opinion is that the Second Coming of our Lord could happen that year.  And if I’m on the right track then the seven-year tribulation has to begin next year and we are merely days or moments away from our Lord’s call to “Come up here!”  It’s all speculation. No date setting here. But the possibility is intriguing. And perhaps just one more drop of water in the ocean of prophetic signs that are coming at us in huge waves now regularly! 

Watchers, we need to witness now like never before. While the rest of the world is busy rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic (so to speak) trying to get more comfortable on this sinking planet, we need to remain the salt for as many days as we have left. We are to call all people to salvation in the Lord Jesus before the judgment arrives just as Noah preached that judgment was coming and the ark was their hope. Man’s achievement is about to plunge humanity into a literal hell on earth just as that glorious human achievement known as the “Titanic” plunged its multicultural passengers into the depths of the Atlantic. 

Unlike that fateful ship, we have eyes (God’s Word) to see that the iceberg (judgment) is coming. We know this world is set for total destruction and we have the lifeboat that is sufficient to accommodate all passengers that will come for salvation. We need to be faithful watchers and ring the bell loudly of the horror that lies just ahead. The Titanic survivors were jubilant to see the coming of the RMS Carpathia to rescue those who remained after the disaster. We have the blessed hope to be rescued before the coming global disaster happens. Warn everyone you know!  Come Lord Jesus!

“For I am the LORD your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the LORD Almighty is his name.” - Isaiah 51:15

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Aug 22
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

Very interesting article. Thanks for the shout-out. Regarding the number 120, besides what you have already mentioned in the days of Noah, 120 is a very significant number in the Bible. The meaning of the number 120 revolves around it being a divinely appointed waiting time.

When the number 120 is divided by 3, the number for divine perfection, you get 40. 40 is the number for probation, trial or testing, and chastisement. Moses lived to be 120 and died just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. His life, according to Scripture, was divided into three equal parts of 40. He spent 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in Midian, and 40 years in the wilderness between Egypt and…

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Thank you sir. I just read your article on the duel prophesy of Daniel and it was great as usual. God is indeed an amazing sovereign mathematician !


Just another interesting note about the Titanic millionaires Benjamin Guggenheim, Macy's owner Isidor Straus and John Jacob Astor IV, who were against the creation of a Federal Reserve Bank, and all of whom went down with the ship.

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Very good observation, Brian. Coincidence? We will never know. But aIso believe that pure evil resides with this whole Federal Reserve System creation. I read somewhere that the wicked Rothchild family of Europe planned the Federal Reserve System as their way of owining the US economy and it's people without being obvious about it. It was their founder who said, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who runs it."

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