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Writer's picturePete Garcia

Even the Elect- Part I: Deception

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

The original date of publishing through The Omega Letter: Tuesday, August 30, 2011. Updated here in September 2019

If you’ve ever watched a Glenn Beck show, you’ve probably more often than not seen him at his ever-present blackboard, connecting the dots between players and agencies interwoven in an insidious socialist-progressive agenda to bring the US down from within.

That is what the next three articles will attempt to do, of course, in a less grandiose fashion. We will apply this methodology of untangling the web of deceit that has been laid over the human experience. If I may add one additional allusion to pop culture, in the movie “The Matrix”, the main character ‘Neo’, played by Keanu Reeves, wakes up or is woken from reality, only to realize that what he thought was reality was the façade, and the real reality is much, much worse.

Most people go through life thinking that this is all there is. Many more think that if it cannot be put into a test tube and scrutinized six ways from Sunday by a team of scientists, it does not exist. However, we (bible believing Christians) know that there is much more to this life than what we see with our eyes.

We know that there is a God, and there are myriads of angelic and demonic beings that move in and out of our existence unseen by the human eye.  We know and trust (faith) the Bible because it has not only validated itself, repeatedly by history, archeology, and prophecy but because no man (or men) could have come up with this bible on their own.  If they could have, they would have. Simply compare the complexity, prophetic accuracy, and historicity of the Bible to the Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Mormon bible, or any other religious text to see the STARK differences.

In the bible, the God-Man we know as Jesus Christ spoke concerning the last days that above all, deception would be the greatest end-time sign we would have to watch out for; that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. Even more interesting and often underappreciated, is the fact we are now living in the Age of Information. The battle over objective truth has been raging since the 1800s and has reached its crescendo here at the start of the 21st-century. Even non-Christian men like George Orwell and Ray Bradbury saw this informational war coming and predicted in their dystopic books like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 (respectively).

In answering His disciples on what would the signs of the end include, Jesus began his most extensive discourse by saying-

“Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4

Consider if we still lived in any of the previous “ages” such as the Industrial Age or even the computer Age. How could the masses be deceived? Logistically speaking, mankind ability to be deceived was limited to newspapers, the radio, the telegraph, and decade’s later limited television and movies. Think about how H.G. Well’s 1938 dramatized War of the World’s broadcast and how people tuning in late, actually thought an alien invasion was happening. Think about how everything today is connected to the Internet. From laptops, smart devices, appliances, vehicles, accessories, and even clothes. We live in the Information Age, and we are quickly entering an even greater extension of that with the Internet of Things (IoT).

So, in light of the fact that none of us can definitively see into the future, we have to trust God’s word and take heed to the various warnings issued by Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, and John as given to them by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we go with what we know and make the best reasonable explanations that we can. Seeing the world events play out is simply confirmation of what the Bible had already stated as fact.

One thing to consider though is that prior to the age of global communications and instant newsfeeds, is that the whole world could not be deceived.  Too many people were disconnected from other parts of the world, so the majority of people would not know what deception was going on regardless of where it happened unless it specifically happened to them. We know (to the best of our ability) that the Beast is the governmental/political system headed by the Antichrist that takes control during the Tribulation (the 70th Week of Daniel).  We currently live in the ‘age of information’ and believe this to be the same age in which our Lord will return for a whole host of reasons.

The Information Age (and the rapidity with which knowledge doubles), is almost entirely reliant upon the ability to process said information through computers and the internet. However, considering how the then Obama administration’s agenda (and now Democrat Platform), along with Silicon Valley technocrats (who control the major media platforms) seem to want to do three things:

1. Blanket the entire US with free 5G Wi-Fi

2. Cement governmental control over who uses it, what they can see

3. and silence, shut down, shadow-ban, block, and deny usage of the Internet for dissenting voices

This has moved beyond what even honest liberals will concede as free speech. Leftists (globalists/socialists/communists) seek to place the entire planet on the electronic grid for the sole purpose of controlling it with an iron fist. With the use of low orbiting satellites, and taking advantage of the newly freed-up ‘white space’ from television’s frequency waves (since we’ve gone digital), this is a very achievable agenda. The initial plan was called WIMAX but that fell through to Lightsquared (now Ligado).  Regardless of what plan actually succeeds, the plans are in the works to get everyone on board and ‘on the grid’.

Remember a simple idea here, in that no matter what freebies are offered, or what promised legislation will fix, increased control is the outcome of whatever plan they put forward. Wi-Fi may be offered free, but it will come at the cost of your anonymity.

Artificial Intelligence

Now, think for a moment about the gigantic Google Corporation.  They have been working on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for years now based on the studies that track all the trends, typed searches, information, street-views, maps, etc. for the entire world.  Google has more information at its disposal than all the libraries in the world combined.

The owners of Google preempted public panic by declaring the AI known as ‘CADIE’ as an April fool’s joke, but just imagine, if this thing “became” (maybe with a little supernatural help) self-aware and began taking over the global grid. Most of our public utilities and energy sources are controlled electronically already, but maybe “Skynet” (Terminator movies) wasn’t far off the mark after all?

It seems silly, even fantastical for the most hardened skeptics out there, but it is not impossible. Considering that 20-years ago, the idea of holding a computer/phone /GPS/gaming device in the palm of your hand seemed ludicrous, yet, here we are today. Most accredited universities have within their Computer Science departments, active programs for the creation of Artificial Intelligence.  At some point, in the not too distant future, man is going to cross that technological threshold between fantasy and reality and launch a system that is ‘self-aware’. 

Scary thought!

Update 2019: We have moved firmly into the realm of creating a super-intelligent AI system. We have developed the technology to create “deep fakes” that can fake audio and video making it indistinguishable from the real thing. We have further developed cloud technology. Cryptocurrencies are proliferating. Drone and robotic technology are continuing to improve at an incredible pace and scale. Genetic manipulation (too include data storage) is continuing to be refined and enhanced.


Many bible scholars attribute the statements Jesus made to end times of being similar to Noah’s day (Matt 24:37-38Luke 17:26-27) as veiled references to the return of the Nephilim (Hebrew for “Fallen Ones”). The supernatural has largely been hidden from man since biblical times, but here in the last 60-years or so, mankind has been an eyewitness to increasingly strange goings-on in the sky, under the sea, and on the ground. 

The supernatural activity appears to be ramping up, and although widely accepted as plausible, no verifiable proof has ever been openly substantiated by the US government until recently.  However, it is largely due to movies and television that mankind has been desensitized to the mysterious. As with horror movies, mankind has been fed an increasingly violent, disturbing, and more realistic diet of the same monsters. With that said, what scared audiences 30-years ago, makes today’s audience chuckle.

“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matthew 24:23-24

Common themes amongst both horror and science fiction shows are alien invasions and global destruction events. They have to keep topping the previous shows and movies so they are portrayed in more graphic and over-the-top sensationalistic ways to keep audiences coming back. This will have either one of two effects when fantasy does become reality:

  1. Either man will be mesmerized at what they see (awestruck)


  1. The deception will be subtle (acceptance of new normal)

I think the latter of the two is Satan’s preferred method, but considering the fact that Satan knows he has but a short time, he will pull out all the stops. Moreover, this time, God will allow him to. Although we can only speculate as to what type of events will happen that are not mentioned specifically in the Bible, we know what Satan has done in the past.

God destroyed the world once before due to all of the wickedness and violence upon the earth. Out of that (or maybe because of it), an unholy union between fallen angels and mankind created a hybrid race of creatures that were neither men nor angels. Only Noah was found ‘perfect in his generations.

Many believe this to be a reference not to Noah’s moral righteousness, but to his genetic purity.  So it is interesting that Jesus said that no flesh would survive if He did not cut short those days (Matthew 24:22).  If God destroyed the world leaving only eight persons at the Flood, are we to not only consider weapons of mass destruction but also the demonic tactics and technology, like it was before the Flood, which seeks to annihilate what it is to be human?

Weird Science

Not only has mankind been able to alter human embryos at the genetic level, but scientists are also involved in cross breeding animal-human hybrids. Not only this, but science is attempting to merge technology into the human body. Mankind now is bent on pushing the boundaries between the biological and the technological. There is coming a point when man will cross that line of no return and this may, in fact, be the avenue by which man does it. Whenever modern man broke through the other ‘impossible’ barriers people said could not be done… it was done. 

  • Learned to fly? Yes

  • Created rockets? Yes

  • Split the atom? Yes

  • Broke the sound barrier? Yes

  • Traveled to the moon and back? Yes

  • Sent probes to Mars? Yes.

And between man’s desire to live forever through artificial means (trans-humanism and singularity) and AI’s ability to solve seemingly unsolvable problems, it will be a Babel-like moment when God will have to step in and intervene, yet again.

“And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do…” Genesis 11:6

If man was capable of doing this many thousands of years ago, why does it seem unlikely that we could not achieve this again today in the Age of Information? God dispersed man and changed languages to avoid them coming together in unison outside of His will and His time schedule. Yet, we are at that same point today using the internet and rapid technological breakthroughs. Knowledge builds upon previously discovered knowledge, so at the rate at which it is doubling and tripling, the time it takes to get there quickly diminishes.

Replace ‘magic’ with technology, and add in some demonic influence and what you have is a recipe for evil incarnate perpetuated by mass mediums to large swaths of people.  Man’s propensity for evil will have the modern capability to quickly incorporate and disseminate large sums of information and application to a much larger audience today than ever before.

Remove God’s hand of restraint from the world and the potential for wickedness will explode as not been seen since those doomed Antediluvian peoples of old.

To be continued.

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