Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us. Psalm 2:1-3
It has not been lost on me, that the United States is/was the greatest nation on the face of the planet and in the history of the world. Not even at the height of Rome’s imperial power, could she match the dedication to keeping a republic governed by laws, a guarantor of personal liberties, and to the standard of living we have achieved.
As a nation of immigrants, we attracted the best and brightest this world had to offer, and in so doing, we became the unparalleled leader in education, technology, innovation, and the arts. So, are we to believe that a nation that split the atom and broke the sound barrier, sent a man to the moon, and created the internet, cannot solve the issues that are seemingly unfixable today?
Solving illegal immigration is a bridge too far?
Balancing the budget now is the equivalent of putting a man on Jupiter?
I know we know how to fix the problems. It’s just that those who have the ability to fix it aren’t brave enough to do it. Just look at President Trump. The entire swampy-establishment and the media have risen up against him at every turn.
We KNOW what to do to fix the problems, we just refuse to do it. As I have said before, these problems aren’t by chance; these problems were purposely designed to put us in unwinnable situations. They (those who militantly support globalism) need us to fall as the lone superpower, so they can dismantle the US and turn us into a subservient regional power. As a wise man once said, either you’re eating at the buffet, or you are the buffet.
Welcome to buffet Americana.
Is it a small world after all?
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” ― James A. Garfield President of the United States
Imagine that you think that all empires are intrinsically bad, and the only way to fix starvation, pestilence, wars, and other global problems facing our planet is to first rid the world of competing interests, which all nations and empires have. Every nation wants to be on top, and that is the problem. Now, theoretically, if you had just one system, then you would remove nationalism, and by default, remove wars and other afflictions that competing empires have. That is the rub with globalists; they really believe that what they are doing, is for the betterment of all mankind.
That is to say, I don’t think they are sitting behind closed doors, smoking cigars, twiddling their fingers while devilishly laughing and trying to figure out how they can dominate the huddled masses…well, perhaps the George Soros-types are. But for the rest of them, I think they have good intentions. Well, we all know what lines the path to hell.
Our national enemies know that they can’t go toe to toe with us militarily, so they have had to look for soft spots in our national armor. Going back as far as the middle of the 18th century, they (globalists) have sought out ways to make us more European (i.e. socialist). One way to do that is with a Central bank.
One after the other, attempts were made by these globalists to make these United States dependent upon a European-styled Central bank. Presidents Andrew Jackson through William McKinley was able to keep the globalist hounds at bay. However, when Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) was elected president in 1912, they knew they had their man. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act, which was subversively passed in Congress on Christmas Eve, had just enough members present to make a quorum to pass it and which President Wilson quickly signed into law. In fact, it happened so quickly, that most of Congress didn’t know what happened until well after the fact. Thus began the long, sordid history of our nation’s economic demise. To date, the Federal Reserve has never been audited.
European globalists have been seeking our demise ever since we became a nation in 1776. They hate our Constitution because first and foremost, we recognized that our rights didn’t come from men, but from God. They hate our Constitution because it brilliantly defeated their attempts at bringing us back under the thumb of the European powers from whence our forefathers had come.
The founders knew firsthand, what tyranny looked like. They knew because they had grown up under it. Their parents and grandparents grew up under it. They knew history, and they knew that one tyranny after another had reared its ugly head in Europe which is why they were able to specifically pinpoint and articulate the powers our government could and could not have.
This is why a frontal assault would never prevail against us. European globalists, and later American globalists, had to feverishly work to redefine and reshape men’s understandings not just about political liberty, but religious and economic liberty as well. With naked fascism and communism rearing its ugly head again in Europe, these globalist socialists knew the American people then would never support it. Their ‘ace in the hole’ if you will, was the backdoor. They made inroads into the education and entertainment industries by way of progressive liberalism.
They knew that the US Constitution was too powerful an intellectual argument to overcome by force, so they sought a backdoor to make inroads into the hearts and minds of Americans. Their liberalistic ideations came over the Atlantic to our universities and seminaries and began spreading like the ideological black plague in our most prestigious educational institutions. (Harvard, Yale, Columbia)
Since the founders were largely Christians, the Constitution was based both on the concept of Western (Greek-Roman) styled government, with Judeo-Christian values. This is what the globalists had to destroy first, and they did so by relentlessly pursuing three key agendas:
Attack the validity of the Bible. Promote ecumenicalism through existentialism, neo-orthodoxy, and the social gospel.
Replace Judeo-Christian philosophy with secular humanism and moral relativism, Biblical Creation with Darwinian Evolution, and corrupt Capitalism with the extremes of unchecked greed and Marxist-Socialism.
Control “the progressive message” through media, academia, pulpits, and politics. Intimidate by political correctness, judicial legislation, ridicule, and lastly violence.
Liberal leaders that would later come made economic entanglements that would prove disastrous to our national defense. (Ex., OPEC vs. Israel).
We are at such a compromised state today, in so many ways and on so many levels (I.e., the swamp), there no longer remains a viable option for us as a nation to ever lead effectively. This is why as of late, Presidents largely have to operate in a perpetual state of gridlock. With the exception of Trump, the last four presidents insisted on ‘coalitions’ and leading from behind to cast off any sort of political responsibility that might be laid at their feet.
To be blunt, we have too many competing interests to be able to see clearly anymore. If there is a cause out there, believe me, there is a thousand lobbyists for them. The removal of absolute truth, common morality, and a clear American agenda meant this nation was ripe for the introduction of political correctness, which is choking the life out of our national sanity.
Welcome to 1984
If we actually followed the laws that are already in place, we wouldn’t have half the problems we currently have. In today’s America, you need a draconian intelligence apparatus (think Patriot Act) and a militarized police force, in order to combat the increasingly violent and disturbing crimes that are occurring with increasing frequency across the nation.
But the increasing violence due to drug cartels, gang activities, lone gunmen, and organized crime serves a crucial, yet purposeful role in the diminishing of freedoms we currently enjoy by those politicians who disable the existing laws that would have curtailed such illegal activities in the first place. So the need for militarization of police and federal agencies become a ‘necessary evil’. That is why we have become an ever-expanding surveillance state because we have been sold on the notion that it is for our own good. That message is then sold to the American public as trying to combat global terrorism, global poverty, global warming, financial sabotage, political subterfuge, etc. At least, that is how it is being packaged for the average “low-information voter” thru the 24/7 media. In the end, they are counting on the dumbed-down, average American to feel good about trading their freedom for security.
Hegelian Dialect anyone? That is why our borders will never be secured. That is why our ‘war on drugs’ (depending on the state) will be just enough to warrant funding, but never enough to actually stomp out the problem. That is why government spending will remain unchecked and our debt will continue to skyrocket. They need our economy and our currency to crash, so they can introduce their own new, digital currency, which will forever wipe away the average person’s anonymity.
The first groups of people who always get threatened first, when pay cuts are put on the table are: Police/firemen, teachers, and the military. Never is wasteful government programs like these brought up. Never are politicians themselves willing to take pay cuts, or retirement/pension reductions. Prisons remain overcrowded with an increasingly violent population that can never be allowed back into a population…until the budget is on the line.
You see, these things are created to invoke fear into the public’s mind, for the sole purpose of using that fear against the public at a later point.
Do you remember the anger at France at the beginning of the Iraq War for not supporting our efforts? I mean, we threatened to rename French fries with Freedom fries!
Just think back for a moment, on how the government effectively (through the media) directed our national anger over the last 30 years. In the late 70’s-early 80’s it was Ayatollah Khomeini. In the 1980’s it was Libya’s, Moammar Qaddafi. In the 90’s it was Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il. After 9/11, it was Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. We definitely love to hate someone out there. Granted, these are all evil and wicked despots and deserve our anger, however, as long as we got an enemy number one, the government has someone they can redirect our national anger towards.
It is by treachery that the US has ultimately fallen into permanent intentional disarray. Satan is, after all, the architect behind men’s scheming for millennia. He needs the US to decrease so that the EU can increase. He cannot have his global one world order if the US remains on top, and is still married to her Constitution. So, if he can’t destroy the US outright, he will corrupt it from within. And having witnessed all the mighty empires who have come before us, either toppled militarily or crumble from within, Satan’s plan for total global domination will answer both. He will have all the nations under one system.
Furthermore, he has his man, the Antichrist will remove any disloyalty or infidelity to the Beast by instituting a permanent “mark.” This mark dooms someone in this life for refusing it but damns them in the next for taking it. Whatever the ‘mark of the beast’ ends up being, it will be the ultimate mark of loyalty that can never be undone.
Denouement Despite what it appears, the Revived Roman Empire is on the rise. Economic turmoil has produced an incredibly high unemployment rate in Europe, particularly amongst the youth. We have seen historically that when nations are at this point, they get desperate. In their desperation, they will turn to a man who usually ends up having ulterior motives. There is a wandering generation alive today, who are now ripe pickings for either draft into compulsory military service, or who through the promise of a steady paycheck, will fill the ranks of this man’s future beast’s army.
The structure and leadership are in place already courtesy of 60 plus years in NATO, and more recently, the EUROGENDFOR. What’s lacking now is the proper motivation. Europeans largely feel unthreatened at the moment and know that the US would never allow Islamic, Russian or Chinese forces to attack or invade without coming to the EU’s aid.
But what if the US could not come? What if something happened to the US that removed us overnight from being the global protectorate of law and order on the planet? How quickly would the EU move to bolster its military ranks in order to fill the vacuum that was suddenly presented at our departure from the world’s stage?
A day is coming when both through the removal of His Bride, the Church, and His passing of the tribulum over Israel and the earth, that He will institute His own kingdom here on planet earth. Of this kingdom, Jesus Christ will reign (along with His bride) with an iron scepter.
Justice will reign perfectly perfect, and nature will be restored to what it once was at the Garden of Eden. Those who make it into the Millennial Kingdom will enjoy long lives under the rule of a perfect King in a perfect environment. (Isaiah 65:17-25).
Man has long sought to create their own godless utopia here on earth, but it has failed time and time again. When God removes His Bride, mankind’s first real chance to do as they please will get immediately hijacked by Satan and will turn those last seven years into a hell on earth. It will become so terrible, that if Christ did not personally intervene and cut it short, no flesh would survive (Matt. 24:22).
“And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” Daniel 2:44