As in Matthew 12:31-32, the unforgivable sin is blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.
I find no part of me wants to pray for the current elites who are pushing NWO, neurolink, transhumanism, etc.
Then I came to realize, it's possible, The Holy Spirit's indwelling is keeping me on the straight and narrow.
What exactly does it mean to blaspheme against The Holy Spirit?
I find Yuvall Harrari's statements, these days, to be absolute blasphemy.
But are his statements and disgusting beliefs the unforgivable sin, or is he still redeemable?
Should we be praying for the devil's advocates?
Maranatha! Maybe today!!!
I recently started practicing forgiveness. How? Here's how. I tell God I forgive "so and so". I don't wait till I feel forgiveness. I just say the words to God. I'm amazed at how it helps me feel. So, there are two benefits. One, I'm following God's orders. Two, I feel better afterwards. But I truly understand your disaffection with the humans who oppose God's Word and have a harmful effect on our lives. Our pastor just recently preached that all unjust actions will be accounted for. (Believers are in a different category). I have to research that. But I believe it. That helps too.