Hi Pete. Regarding Rev 21:1, “Also there was no more sea,” is it possible the idea here relates to the “sea” in the temple used for cleansing before entering God’s presence? The Greek word in Rev (thalassa) has the same definitions as the Hebrew word used to describe the brazen sea in 2 Chron 4:2 (yam). The verses following the mention of “no more sea” in Rev 21 talk of the new Jerusalem descending and God dwelling with man, which implies the barrier of the “sea” (as used in the original temple design) is no longer needed.
I’ve heard a number of teachers asked about the Rev 21:1 verse during Q&A’s (as you were in the most recent podcast) and have never heard anyone consider this possible interpretation. I’d love to hear your thoughts, Pete.
Thanks for offering this space to ask questions, and for all the great work you do.
I can't find Lee's. It could've been during a Q&A and I don't have tone to scour lol. This answer is good too.
Just from a ecological balance perspective, eliminating all "seas" would throw the world balance off to the point of making the world uninhabitable, but for God.
Some guy post WW1 even proposed installing a dam on the Med near the Straits and draining part of the Med. The overall goal was to gain more land and the use thereof for the surrounding countries. Studies conducted since that time indicated that that would drop the temperatures in northern Europe to the point that farming would be impossible.
Unless God tinkers with the ecological balance any change in our current land/water balance could be disastrous.
I trust that we will be perfectly satisfied with whatever God has created for us, but I do hope that includes seas/oceans. They are so beautiful. In Ezekiel, Psalms, and Revelation, God's voice is described as sounding powerful like many waters. Oceans are such a prevalent part of Creation, I like to think they will be included in the new heaven and earth.
Sea in Scripture represents chaos.
I lean towards Lee Brainard’s understanding that this is not all seas and oceans, but the singular “Mediterranean Sea” or else God would have to permanently annihilate all sea life (whales, dolphins, fish, etc.)