When was Set born?
Genesis 5:
1. This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
3. And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day, of the first year.
In what year was Seth born?
If your reply contains, 'most scholars' then you lose. LOL
I agree with that assessment. Regarding biblical chronologies, most chronologists start from creation and work their way forward to the present. For most chronologists, 130 AM is listed for the birth of Seth.
The years for the biblical events are AM years (anno mundi - Latin for "year from creation") and BC/AD years. AM years are just numbered years....years from creation. BC years are also just numbered years...years from/before the birth of Jesus. AD years are also just numbered years...years after the birth of Jesus.
The BC/AD system of numbering years is different. The only way to have a BC creation date is to find a known date of a historical (and biblical) event and assign it to the AM year for that event and then work your way back to creation. Whatever your number of years is between two events (AM dates), you would add those same number of years from your known BC year to get the BC date for the previous event.
For example, most historians say that the destruction of Jerusalem and the first Temple occurred in 586 BC (although some say 587 BC). My chronology reckoning for this biblical/historical event is 3374 AM. Now, working your way backward 11 years to when the last king of Judah, Zedekiah, began his reign (in 3363 AM), you come to the year 597 BC (586 + 11 = 597). Then you just keep working your way back to creation to get the BC year for creation. In this instance (my chronology), the date for creation is 3960 BC (1 AM). Chronology of Mankind: 6,000 Years of History Pt 1 :: By Randy Nettles - Rapture Ready
You can double-check all of your numbers. For the above example of 597 BC and its counterpart year of 3363 AM, you can check it two ways (double-check). You can take the creation year of 3960 (BC) and deduct 3363 anno mundi years and you get 597 (BC). You can also take the creation year of 3960 (BC) and deduct 597 years from it and you will come up with the event year of 3363 AM (3363 anno mundi years).
Recently I researched Ussher's chronology and compared it with mine. His creation date is 4004 BC, only 4 years off of Newton's and your creation date of 4000 BC. My creation date is 3960 BC, so there is a difference of 44 years. I discovered our event dates were within 1 or 2 years until we get to the death of Solomon and the subsequent kings of Judah's reigns. Ushher, a 17th-century chronologist didn't have the knowledge or the benefit of E.R. Thiel's excellent book, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, regarding the chronology of the kings of Judah and Israel. It is deemed the definitive work and reckoning of the calendar years on this topic.
Ussher reckoned approximately 387 years from the reign of Rehoboam to the destruction of Jerusalem and the first Temple, while Thiel has only 345 years between these events. These 42 extra years are the majority of the difference between our two chronologies. This is why Ussher has 4004 BC for creation while I have 3960 BC.