And 1 Corinthians 42-57

As I was reading this morning this thought came across. In Thessalonians we're speaking of the Rapture correct? Then in 1 Corinthians it says at the last trumpet. I know the trumpets are first then seals and bowls...I don't even want to go there at the moment. I guess as I was reading my thoughts we're of our bodies changing from corruptible to incorruptible, since no flesh and blood can enter the kingdom of Heaven. So, both of these scriptures do they apply to the Rapture? For years of reading I have always believed that 1 Corinthians was when we come back with the Lord at the second coming! Please, clarify for me. Because now I'm inclined to think that when the Rapture happens (and in my mind I see that pic of bodies floating up to the clouds. I'm sure you know which one I'm speaking of) millions of our physical bodies will be dead all at once as evidence of those that are left behind. Right. I was never confused before and this morning fogged me up. Please, correct any misunderstanding I have. Thank you so much for your attention to this minuscule question. May the Lord continue to Bless you 🙏
Hey Em,
The order goes Seals, Trumpets, and Bowl (or vial) judgments. As for the last trumpet (mentioned in 1 Cor 15) and the Trumpet of God (1 Thess 4), neither are included in the actual Trumpet Judgments found in Revelation 8-9, 11. When Paul states that at the "last trumpet," this implies that there was a first trumpet. The first trumpet was in Exodus 19 when the Israelites were gathered together for the first time as a nation at the foot of Mt. Sinai. This last trumpet (the trumpet of God) will be for the gathering of the church together for the first time in the sky with our Lord. Hope this helps!